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Struggling With Low CAT Mock Scores? Here's What You Need To Do

Nov 1, 2021

Navigate Quickly

Discover and Analyze the Issue

Eliminate the Weaknesses

Appear for the Right CAT Mock Test Series

Do NOT Compare the Journeys

Don't stop!

Stay Motivated

If you struggling with low cat mock scores, here's what you need to do!

Discover and Analyze the Issue

Before you give up or develop an action plan, it is crucial to diagnose the issue. You have to ask yourself the following questions:

  • Has there been a recent decline in my performance?
  • Is a particular section acting as my weakness, or does my overall performance need to improve?
  • Have I been stressing out too much about the exam lately?
  • Have I recently switched to a new test series?
  • Am I solving unnecessarily difficult questions/mock tests?
  • Do I need to work on my time management skills?

Eliminate the Weaknesses

Now that you know what exactly is trying to pull you back, it's time to show it the exit door and ensure that it never makes a comeback. A sudden decline in performance could be a consequence of extremely difficult tests or stress.

If you have not reached the level you aimed at achieving by this stage of your preparation, you should analyze your strengths and weaknesses. 

In this phase, you won't be able to climb up from the second step to the tenth step for the section that is your weakness. However, you can definitely move from level 8 to level 10 for the section you are good at. It is about understanding your preparation path, how far you have come, and how far you can go from the existing point. 

Appear for the Right CAT Mock Test Series

Many aspirants assume that taking their CAT preparation to an advanced level requires them to appear for unnecessarily arduous mock tests. However, this can lead to a significant drop in your confidence level and may make you question the path you have followed so far. The right test series mirrors the actual exam pattern, has the right difficulty level, covers everything, and helps you analyze your performance the right way. Test series curated by the Dream Team at Prepladder is the test series that will help you evaluate your performance the best way because this test series is a product of extensive experience and is impeccable in every way!

To learn more about " Ideal CAT Mock Test Series", click here.

Do NOT Compare the Journeys

Though the final destination is the same, the CAT aspirants across the country take different routes. Students, working professionals, homemakers- the journey is different for everyone. Therefore, it's unfair to draw comparisons between your and your friend's mock test scores at any stage, especially in the ongoing phase. Everyone is following the plan they exclusively made considering their circumstances, short-term goals, and it underwent the revisions that you are not aware of. So, in this last one month, have faith in your plan and make every day count!

Don't stop!

When things don't seem to go in the direction you had expected, it is convenient to give up. You question yourself if it's worth appearing for one test after the other when your scores are not showing any significant improvement. Well, it is! There are aspirants who don't perform as well as they aim to, but they conquer the mountain on the last day. Consistency yields excellent outcomes, and therefore, despite your current scores, you should keep going!

Stay Motivated

Making constant efforts to stay motivated throughout the journey is underrated but very important. Whether or not you are resistant to the negativity that brings your spirits down is dependent on the strength of the foundation laid by your mindset. Stay motivated and keep marching forward because the most amazing things await you at the end of the journey. And you are less than a month away from all of that!

All the best!

Auther Details

Ridhima Arora

Ridhima is a Content Writer at PrepLadder. She aims at making a significant difference in the academic journeys of Medical PG, NEET SS, and CAT aspirants through her content.