Oct 12, 2021
Subject |
Faculty |
Chapter |
Zoology ( Class - IX) |
Dr. Abhishek Singh |
Biomolecules |
Evolution |
Human Health and Diseases |
Digestion and Absorption |
Subject |
Faculty |
Chapter |
Physics |
Indranil Brahma |
Mechanical properties of solids |
Mechanical properties of fluids |
Thermal properties of matter |
Thermodynamics |
Subject |
Faculty |
Chapter |
Botany (Class - XI) |
Kailash Middha |
Introduction Light Reaction |
Electron Transport |
Mechanism Of Photosynthesis |
Factors Affecting Photosynthesis |
Introduction |
Glycolysis |
Fermentation / Anaerobic Respiration |
Aerobic Respiration |
Electron Transport |
Subject |
Faculty |
Chapter |
Botany (Class - XII) |
Kailash Middha |
Microbes In Household Products |
Microbes In Industrial Products |
Microbes In Sewage Treatment |
Microbes In Production of Biogas |
Microbes As Biocontrol Agents |
Microbes As Biofertilizers |
Organism and Its environment |
Populations |
Population Interaction |
Structure and Function |
Subject |
Faculty |
Chapter |
Zoology |
Dr. Abhishek Singh |
Digestion and Absorption |
Breathing and Exchange of gases |
Human Health and Diseases |
Subject |
Faculty |
Chapter |
Botany (Class - XI) |
Kailash Middha |
Patterns and types of Plant Growth |
Differentiation, Dedifferentiation, Redifferentiation |
Plant Growth Regulators |
Photoperiodism |
Vernalisation |
Seed Germination |
Seed Dormancy |
Subject |
Faculty |
Chapter |
Physics |
Indranil Brahma |
Oscillations |
Waves |
Subject |
Faculty |
Chapter |
Botany (Class - XII) |
Kailash Middha |
Productivity |
Decomposition |
Energy flow |
Ecological Pyramids |
Ecological succession |
Nutrient Cycling, Ecosystem Services |
Ecosystem Services |
Biodiversity |
Biodiversity Conservation |
Subject |
Faculty |
Chapter |
Zoology |
Dr. Abhishek Singh |
Breathing and Exchange of gases |
Body Fluids and Circulation |
Human health and diseases |
Strategies for enhancement in food production |
Excretory Products and their elimination |
Subject |
Faculty |
Chapter |
Botany (Class - XII) |
Kailash Middha |
Air Pollution and Its Control |
Water Pollution and Its Control |
Solid Wastes |
Agrochemicals and their effects |
Radioactive Wastes |
Green House effects and Global Warming |
Ozone Depletion in the Stratosphere |
Degradation by Improper Resource Utilisation and Maintenance |
Deforestation |
Subject |
Faculty |
Chapter |
Zoology |
Dr. Abhishek Singh |
Excretory Products and their Elimination |
Locomotion and Movement |
Microbes in Human Welfare |
Biotechnology: Principles and Processes |
Subject |
Faculty |
Chapter |
Zoology |
Dr. Abhishek Singh |
Locomotion and movement |
Neural Control and Coordination |
Biotechnology: Principles and Processes |
Biotechnology and it’s applications |
Subject |
Faculty |
Chapter |
Zoology |
Dr. Abhishek Singh |
Chemical coordination and Integration |
Neural control and coordination |
Subject |
Faculty |
Chapter |
Zoology |
Dr. Abhishek Singh |
Chemical coordination and Integration |
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A Content Creator with over five years of experience, Srishti is an expert at creating content related to several genres. She aims to make a difference through what she writes.