Jan 25, 2023
Probable Question
What are memory B cells?
According to a meta-analysis published in “Lancet Infectious Diseases”, Hybrid immunity — from a previous infection coupled with vaccination — offers a “higher magnitude and durability” of protection against severe Covid than an infection alone.
What is Hybrid Immunity? How does hybrid immunity provide better protection against severe Covid than an infection alone? (150 words, 10 marks)
What is Immunity? Immunity refers to the body’s ability to prevent the invasion of pathogens such as bacteria and viruses that cause diseases. Types of immunity: Active Immunity: Results from the exposure to a disease which triggers the immune system to produce antibodies in response to that disease. It can be acquired through natural immunity or vaccine-induced immunity. Natural immunity is defined as the immune protection developed in an unvaccinated individual after one or more infections. Vaccine-induced immunity is acquired when the individual is subjected to a killed or weakened form of the disease organism through vaccination. Passive immunity: It is provided when a person is given antibodies to a disease rather than production of the antibody through his or her own immune system. For example, a newborn acquiring passive immunity from its mother through the placenta. |
News Source: Indian Express
Hybrid immunity is the mix of protection provided by COVID-19 vaccination as well as infection. Hybrid immunity provides better protection than vaccines alone because it prepares the body against the entire virus, rather than just the spike protein.
There are two types of immunity: active and passive.
Natural immunity is defined as the immune protection developed in an unvaccinated individual after one or more infections.
B lymphocytes, also called B cells, create a type of protein called an antibody. These antibodies bind to pathogens or to foreign substances, such as toxins, to neutralize them.
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