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Dupuytren Contracture: Causes, Symptoms, Risk Factors, Diagnosis and Treatment

Oct 17, 2023

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Causes Of Dupuytren Contracture

Symptoms Of Dupuytren Contracture

Risk Factors of Dupuytren Contracture

Diagnosis Of Dupuytren Contracture

Treatment Of Dupuytren Contracture

Dupuytren Contracture: Causes, Symptoms, Risk Factors, Diagnosis and Treatment

A condition known as Dupuytren contracture causes one or more fingers to bend inward towards the palm. The injured fingers can't fully straighten.

Under the skin, tissue congeals into knots. The fingers can eventually be bent thanks to a thick cord that they eventually grow. The problem increasingly becomes worse over time.

Most often, Dupuytren contracture affects the two fingers that are furthest from the thumb. Simple actions like shaking hands, placing your hands in your pockets, and donning gloves could become more challenging as a result.

Dupuytren contracture is not curable. Treatments have the potential to decrease symptoms and slow the progression of the condition.

Causes Of Dupuytren Contracture

It is uncertain what causes Dupuytren contracture. The disease typically runs in families. It is more likely to affect men than women.

Symptoms Of Dupuytren Contracture

Over several years, Dupuytren contracture slowly gets worse. When a firm lump appears in the hand's palm, the illness starts. To touch this protrusion may or may not harm.

The lump may eventually grow into a strong wire that stretches up into the finger from beneath the skin. Rarely, as this chord contracts, the finger is violently dragged towards the palm.

The two fingers that are furthest from the thumb are typically affected by the Dupuytren contracture. Usually, both hands are affected by the illness.

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Risk Factors of Dupuytren Contracture

The following are risk factors for Dupuytren contracture that you should be aware of:

  • Age: The most common time for Dupuytren contracture to occur is after age 50.
  • Sex: Men are much more likely than women to develop Dupuytren. Men could have more severe symptoms and a quicker rate of development.
  • Ancestry: The disease is more likely to affect those of Northern European ancestry.
  • Family history: Dupuytren contracture frequently runs in families.
  • Occupation: According to certain studies, those who use vibrating tools at work have a higher risk of developing Dupuytren contracture.
  • Diabetes: A person is more likely to experience Dupuytren contracture if they have diabetes.
  • Cigarette and alcohol use: The use of tobacco and alcohol both increase the chance of Dupuytren contracture.

Diagnosis Of Dupuytren Contracture

Usually, Dupuytren contracture can be recognized by the texture and look of the hands. Rarely is it required to conduct more testing.

To detect palm skin puckering, healthcare practitioners compare the palms side by side. They also exert pressure on particular points on the hands and fingers to feel for tissue bands or solid knots.

One such approach to check for Dupuytren contracture is to lay the hand's palm flat on a tabletop or other flat surface. If you are unable to completely flatten your fingers, treatment may be necessary.

Treatment Of Dupuytren Contracture

You might not need therapy if the problem develops gradually, causes no pain, and has no effect on your ability to use your hands for routine activities. As an alternative, you could monitor the Dupuytren contracture to see if it deteriorates. The decision to proceed with a tabletop test that you can complete on your own may be made.

The cords that are pulling your fingers towards your palm must be cut or removed during treatment. There are numerous ways to do this The extent of your symptoms and any coexisting medical issues will determine the sort of surgery you receive.

  • Needling: To access and cut the tissue cord limiting a finger, a needle must be inserted through numb skin. Even though the operation can be repeated, contractures usually return.
    • There are many benefits to using the needling procedure. No significant wounds need to heal. You can perform it simultaneously on several fingers. Instead of being done in an operating room, it can be done in an office. This method's drawback is that specific finger postures cannot be employed due to the risk of causing nerve or tendon damage.
  • Steroid injection: Steroid injections may aid in softening and flattening the hard lump when the disease is still in its early stages. The nodules' discomfort could also be lessened by these injections.
  • Collagenase: To weaken and soften the hard lumps and cords, a specialized enzyme called collagenase can be injected into them. A follow-up session the following week involves separating the cords and straightening your finger. Over time, this might lessen the contracture or even cure it.
  • Surgery To remove the tissue that is bending the fingers, people with severe symptoms may require surgery. The release produced by surgery is frequently more comprehensive and durable than the release produced by the needle or enzyme methods. Recovery, however, takes more time.

All tissue, including the connective skin, that the Dupuytren contracture might inadvertently damage is removed by the surgeon. In these situations, the open incision needs to be covered by a skin graft. The procedure that creates the greatest amount of disturbance also necessitates the most time for recovery.

The relief from Dupuytren contracture treatment may only be transient. With time, the fingers' tightness frequently returns.

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