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Hyperprolactinemia – Clinical Features, Diagnosis And Treatment 

Apr 5, 2024

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Physiology Of Prolactin


Clinical Features




Physiology Of Prolactin

Elevated prolactin levels, which are mostly released by lactotrophs in the anterior pituitary gland, are the hallmark of hyperprolactinemia. In addition to being essential for lactation, prolactin also regulates the immune system and reproductive processes. The complicated physiology of prolactin control involves a careful balancing act between stimulatory and inhibitory signals. Dopamine, which is produced in the hypothalamus and acts on the anterior pituitary, normally inhibits the release of prolactin. However, hyperprolactinemia may result from perturbations in this feedback loop.


Both physiological and pathological variables might contribute to the genesis of hyperprolactinemia. The most frequent cause of increased prolactin production is benign pituitary gland tumors called prolactinomas. Pregnancy, lactation, stress, nipple stimulation, and sexual activity are other physiological factors. Hyperprolactinemia can also be brought on by pathological disorders such hypothalamic or pituitary tumors, renal failure, hypothyroidism, and some drugs. Dopamine receptor blockers, antipsychotics, antidepressants, and drugs for gastrointestinal issues are some of these drugs.

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Clinical Features

Clinically, depending on the underlying etiology and gender of the patient, hyperprolactinemia can present with a variety of symptoms. Among the most prevalent symptoms in females include irregular menstrual periods, infertility, amenorrhea, and galactorrhea (inappropriate milk flow from the breast). Infertility, erectile dysfunction, diminished libido, and, less frequently, galactorrhea are among the conditions that affect men. Furthermore, side consequences like osteoporosis, decreased muscular mass, and hirsutism might result from hyperprolactinemia.


Prolactin levels are measured by blood tests in order to diagnose hyperprolactinemia; values greater than 20 mcg/dl are generally regarded as elevated. However, due to variables including stress-induced prolactin release and the existence of macroprolactinemia—a disease in which prolactin is linked to immunoglobulins, producing erroneously inflated levels—diagnosis can be challenging. It is frequently required to do imaging examinations, such as brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), in order to detect pituitary tumors or other structural abnormalities.


The goals of treating hyperprolactinemia are to lower prolactin levels, treat the underlying cause, and relieve symptoms. Medical therapy relies heavily on dopamine agonists, such cabergoline and bromocriptine, which successfully reduce prolactin secretion. When a patient is experiencing terrible side effects from medication, is dopamine-resistant, or has a big pituitary tumor producing compressive symptoms, surgery may be required. Only aggressive cancers that are unresponsive to medication and surgery are candidates for radiation therapy.

The hazards associated with managing hyperprolactinemia during pregnancy must be carefully considered for both the mother and the fetus. Drugs like bromocriptine can be used to lower tumor size and regulate prolactin levels while keeping an eye out for side effects. Optimizing outcomes for women with hyperprolactinemia who are pregnant requires close collaboration between obstetricians, endocrinologists, and other experts.


To sum up, hyperprolactinemia is a complicated endocrine condition with a variety of clinical manifestations and etiologies. A complete strategy that is adapted to each patient's unique needs is necessary for successful management and includes medical therapy, surgical intervention, and close monitoring for any problems. Many hyperprolactinemia patients are able to regulate their symptoms and preserve their reproductive health with the right medication and multidisciplinary care.

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