All you need to know about FMGE June 2018 Pass Certificate
Aug 3, 2018
FMGE exam is a screening test which is conducted for the Indian citizens who have possessed a medical degree from a foreign university and are desirous of practicing medicine in India.
Here are we with an important update for the candidates who have passed FMGE June 2018 examination. The date-wise schedule for issue of pass certificate & the documents required for getting pass certificate after qualifying FMGE has been released.
The FMGE exam was conducted by National Board of Examinations on 29 June 2018.
The results of FMGE exam had been declared on 27 July 2018.
Haven’t checked your FMGE June 2018 results yet? Click here to check it now.
Documents Required for Getting Pass Certificate
All the candidates who have cleared FMGE June 2018 examination are required to carry the following documents with them for receiving a pass certificate:
Admit Card with photograph affixed on the space provided in the admit card
Original MBBS Certificate
Original Eligibility certificate issued by MCI
Any of the following for identity proof (original, valid & non-expired):
Voter ID Card
PAN Card
Driving License
Aadhar Card original with photograph)
General Guidelines for obtaining Pass Certificate
Pass certificate to the eligible candidate shall be issued to them IN-PERSON only.
Venue for receiving Pass Certificate:
National Board of Examination, PSP Area, Sector-9, Dwarka Office, New Delhi- 110075 from 17 August – 23 August 2018.
Biometric verification will take place again & the fingerprint of all the pass candidates will be captured. Candidates are requested to co-operate with the process.
Pass certificate shall be issued only after the successful verification of the identity of the candidate.
Pass certificate will only be issued to the candidate i.e no other authorized representative or any other person can take the certificate on the behalf of the candidate.\
The candidates who have passed MBBS from Nepal are given a liberty for not carrying their original passports with them. All other candidates should compulsorily carry their original passport with them failing which pass certificate shall not be issued to them.
To check Certificate Distribution Schedule please fill the form below: