Unit Name
Most Important Topics
General Pharmacology
- Concept of Bioavailability - its clinical importance and how to calculate bioavailability
- First Pass Metabolism
- PC-T Graph
- Factors affecting volume of distribution
- Routes of drug administration
- Plasma protein binding
- CYP substrates, inducers, inhibitors
- Bioavailability and Dose response curve graphs
- Drug antagonism types and examples
- Competitive vs. non-Competitive antagonism
- Drug schedules, essential medicines, FDC,TDM
- First and zero-order kinetics
- Phases of clinical trials(aim, participants and type of study)
- Different types of receptors & which drugs act upon which receptors
- Receptor location, second messenger and examples
- Major teratogenic drug list
- pk problems
- Clinical Trials
- Practicals including prescription
- Basic architecture and functions of the divisions of ANS
- Uses of cholinergic drugs
- Management of OP, Carbamate and atropine poisoning
- Drugs acting at neuromuscular junction
- Drugs used in myasthenia gravis and Alzheimer’s disease
- Atropine and glycopyrrolate
- Drugs used in bladder conditions (overactive bladder and BPH)
- Adrenaline, noradrenaline and dopamine in detail
- Receptors of the sympathetic and parasympathetic system
- AChe inhibitors, including OP poisoning
- Uses of anticholinergic drugs and poisoning
- Used of adrenaline, noradrenaline, and dopamine
- Beta-blockers (cardio selective vs. non-selective)
- Contraindications of beta blockers
- Prazosin uses and adverse effects
- Anti-glaucoma drugs
- Anti-obesity drugs
- Difference between first and second-generation antihistamines
- Drugs for Migraine (attack and prophylaxis)
- Antihistaminics (1st vs 2nd generation)
- Antihistamine causing QT prolongation
- Prostaglandin preparation and uses
- Contraindications of Prostaglandin preparations
- 5HT receptors
- NSAIDs: PCM and aspirin in detail
- Drugs for gout (acute vs. chronic)
- Drugs for RA
- DMARDs (mainly mechanism of action)
Renal Pharmacology
- Mechanism and site of action ofdiuretics
- Adverse effects of loop, thiazides and spironolactone
- DOC in various edema conditions
- Contraindications of mannitol
- Tolvaptan
- Uses of desmopressin and terlipressin
- Difference between ACE inhibitors and ARBs
- Reason for angioedema and dry cough with ACE inhibitors
- Contraindications of ACE inhibitors
- Drugs decreasing mortality in chronic CHF
- Basic concepts and drugs in acute and chronic CHF
- Digoxin in detail
- Nesiritide
- Nitrates mechanism of action in angina
- Nitrates plus sildenafil
- Calcium channel blockers( DHPs vs. Non DHPs)
- Newer drugs in angina pectoris
- First line antihypertensive drugs
- Drugs used in hypertensive crisis
- Antihypertensive drugs mechanism and major adverse effects
- Antihypertensive drugs contraindicated in pregnancy
- Drugs used in pulmonary hypertension
- Classification of anti-arrhythmic
- DOC for various arrhythmias
- Amiodarone in details particularly adverse effects
- Nitrates
- New drugs for angina
- Mechanism and names of anti-arrhythmic drugs
- Statins and new anti-dyslipidemic drugs
- Bromocriptine, cabergoline uses
- Uses of octreotide
- Drugs used in acromegaly
- Uses of GnRH agonist and antagonist
- Uterine relaxant and stimulants
- Propylthiouracil and carbimazole difference
- Insulin preparations
- Metformin in detail
- Anti-diabetic drugs-MOA, effect on glucose, weight and routes of administration
- SGLT2 Inhibitors adverse effects
- Teduglutide, Sotagliflozin, tirzepatide and saroglitazaar
- Adverse effects and contraindications of corticosteroids
- Steroids use in preterm labour and CAH
- Drugs to treat Cushing disease
- Bisphosphonates-MOA, USES and A/E
- Bone forming and resorbing agents
- Drugs used for BPH, Erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and prostate cancer
- SERM,SERD and aromatase inhibitors
- Tamoxifen in detail
- Mifepristone, clomiphene citrate
- Osteoporosis
- Difference between benzodiazepines and barbiturates
- Management of benzodiazepines and barbiturates poisoning
- Benzodiazepines safe in liver disease patient
- Orexin antagonist and melatonin agonist
- Types of seizures and DOC
- Valproate, phenytoin, carbamazepine, topiramte and lamotrigene in details
- Mechanism of action of anti-epileptic drugs
- Drugs in alcohol, smoking and opioid de-addiction
- Lithium in detail
- Difference between typical and atypical antipsychotic
- Adverse effects of typical antipsychotic, particularly extra-pyramidal symptoms and management
- Clozapine, risperidone, aripiprazole in details
- Drugs used in Parkinson’s,Alzheimer’s, Huntington’s and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
- Advantages and disadvantages of levodopa and carbidopa combination
- SSRIs uses and adverse effects
- Antidepressants causing sexual dysfunction
- Morphine uses, contraindications and poisoning
- Morphine vs. Pethidine
- Tramadol and methadone specialty
- Drugs used in neuropathic pain
- Warfarin and Heparin
- Basic mechanism of antiplatelet drugs
- Newer oral anticoagulants
Drugs affecting blood and blood formation
- Mechanism of action of anticoagulants, adverse effects, antidote and lab monitoring
- Anticoagulants in pregnancy
- Mechanism of action of antiplatelet drugs
- Clopidogrel and CYP2C19
- Management of acute and chronic iron overdose
- Fibrinolytics and antifibrinolytics
- Mechanism of action uses and adverse effects of statins, fibrates and Niacin
Respiratory System
- Drugs used for prophylaxis and attack of asthma
- MOA-Montelukast, omalizumab, cromoglycate
- Bronchodilators
- Adverse effects of salbutamol
- New drugs in asthma and COPD
- Drugs used in Dry and productive cough
- Bronchial Asthma
- Peptic ulcer
- Anti-emetic drugs
- Metoclopramide and dystonia management
- DOC for CINV, Morning sickness and motion sickness
- PPIs – MOA and uses
- H.pylori eradication regimen
- Mechanism of action of antibacterial drugs
- Major bacterial infection( DOC/First choice)
- Anti-bacterial: cidal and static
- Adverse effects of antibacterial drugs
- Anti-bacterial safe in pregnancy, children and renal failure
- Drugs used in STIs and prophylaxis
- First line Anti TB drugs in detail(HRZE)
- Bedaquiline in details
- Second line TB drugs
- Definition of MDR, pre XDR and XDR TB
- Leprosy treatment regimen and management of lepra reaction
- List of ineffective antimicrobials in certain infections
- Metronidazole in detail
- DOC for Helminthic infections
- Mechanism of antifungals and DOC for systemic fungal infections
- MOA of oseltamivir
- Drugs used for COVID management
- DOC for HSV, VZV,CMV, Hepatitis B and C
- MOA and adverse effects of Anti HIV drugs
- Treatment and prophylaxis of HIV and treatment of opportunistic infection in HIV patients
- Malaria treatment and prophylaxis
- Chloroquine, primaquine in detail
Anticancer and IS
- Common adverse effects Anti-cancer drugs and the treatment/prevention of them
- Mechanism of action of anticancer drugs
- Cell cycle and non-cell cycle specific anticancer drugs
- Cyclophosphamide, cisplatin, 5flurouracil, vincristine (in detail)
- Methotrexate in detail
- Small molecule inhibitors and Monoclonal antibodies in anticancer therapy
- Immune check point inhibitors in anticancer therapy
- Mechanism of action of immunosuppressant Drugs
- Calcineurin inhibitors
- Adverse effects of cyclosporine
- Treatment of Hyperkalemia
- Tricyclic antidepressants
- Antidotes of various drugs