Jan 26, 2023
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Enhance your UPSC CSE preparation with our daily dose of Current Affairs wherein we discuss topics that make news at National and International level.
In today's edition of our Current Affairs, we will discuss Charaideo Maidams of Assam. The topic's relevance to the UPSC CSE syllabus is mentioned below.
For Prelims: History of India and Indian National Movement
Historical and Archaeological Findings in News, Ahom Kingdom, UNESCO, World Heritage Sites in India
For Mains: General Studies Paper I- Indian Culture
The Centre has decided to nominate Assam’s Charaideo Maidams — the Ahom equivalent of the ancient Egyptian pyramids — for the UNESCO World Heritage Sites list this year.
Explain about Charaideo Maidams. What is a World Heritage Site and how is a place declared as one? (150 words, 10 marks)
Also Read: Assam-Meghalaya Border Settlement
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO): UNESCO, born on 16th November 1945, is a specialized agency of the United Nations (UN), aimed at promoting world peace and security through international cooperation in education, arts, sciences and culture. The Organization has 193 members and 11 Associate Members. Membership of the United Nations carries with it the right to membership of UNESCO. States that are not members of the United Nations may be admitted to UNESCO, upon recommendation of the Executive Board, by a two-thirds majority vote of the General Conference. Its headquarters are located in Paris. Mission: To contribute to the building of a culture of peace, the eradication of poverty, sustainable development and intercultural dialogue through education, the sciences, culture, communication and information. UNESCO is a member of the United Nations Sustainable Development Group, a coalition of UN agencies and organizations aimed at fulfilling the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). |
News Source: The Hindu
Comparable to the pyramids of Egypt, the maidams represent the late medieval (13th-19th century CE) mound burial tradition of the Tai Ahom community in Assam. Located around 30 km from Sivasagar town in eastern Assam, the Charaideo Maidams enshrine the mortal remains of the members of the Ahom royalty, who used to be buried with their paraphernalia.
Charaideo district is an administrative district in the state of Assam in India. It was formally declared a new district of the state on 15 August 2015 by then Chief Minister of Assam Tarun Gogoi
The word Charaideo has been derived from three Tai Ahom words, Che-Rai-Doi. “Che” means city or town, “Rai” means “to shine” and “Doi” means hill. In short, Charaideo means, “a shining town situated on a hilltop.” Charaideo is famous for its maidams, which make the district an attractive tourist destination.
The Ahom Dynasty, a late medieval kingdom, was established in Assam's Brahmaputra Valley in 1228. Chaolung Sukaphaa, the first King of the Ahom Kingdom, crossed the Patkai mountainous region to reach the Brahmaputra valley and laid the foundations of the Ahom Dynasty.
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