Viral diseases have caused havoc, as evident from the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. Viruses can remain dormant. Viruses are often known as borderline organisms as they don't reproduce by themselves, but they can when they come in contact with living organisms and reproduce or multiply inside the organism. They have the ability to replicate in the toughest conditions. They can either have RNA or DNA as the genetic material.
Let us study viral infections that primarily affect the skin and cause problems. This is a high-yield topic for all the competitive exams in India, such as NEET PG and FMGE.
We will discuss each viral skin infection one by one.
Molluscum Contagiosum
The Virus that causes Molluscum contagiosum is Molluscum contagiosum virus (MCV)
If it is present in the genital area, then sexually transmitted infections should be ruled out.
The lesion in the molluscum contagiosum infection looks like an umbilicated papule. These Umbilicated papules are skin-colored or red in appearance and have a Central indentation.
Pseudo Koebner’s Phenomenon is seen in the case of molluscum contagiosum.
If there are many lesions, if the lesions are in adults, or if the lesions do not respond, then further treatment is needed.
Chemical method of treatment:
Physical method of treatment:
Systemic method of treatment
Application of Trichloroacetic acid- TCA of the affected area.
Application of KOH
Needle extirpation
in HIV-positive individuals
A person with Severe lesions
Systemic treatment is done with the help of immunomodulators such as levamisole and ciphetidine.
2. Ecthyma contagiosum
It is a zoonotic infection acquired from animals and passed on to humans. The causative agent is the Parapoxvirus / ORF virus. It is mainly seen in individuals who rear sheep.
3. Milker's Nodule
It is caused by Pseudopox. It is seen in individuals who rear cows. The appearance of Milker’s nodule is usually present on exposed body parts as an erythematous bluish papule. This usually leads to pus formation, which later creates crusted lesions.
4. Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
They cause warts/verruca.
There are more than 200 subtypes of HPV.
Different subtypes cause different kinds of warts.
They are usually asymptomatic.
The growth is hyperkeratotic/ verrucous in nature.
HPV: Types of Viral Infection
These can be remembered using a Mnemonic - DSP Come Eat A Burger.
HPV 1 - Deep plantar wart
HPV 2 - Superficial plantar warts
HPV 3 - Plane warts
HPV 4 - Common warts
HPV 5 - EDV- epidermodysplasia verruciformis
HPV 6 - Anogenital warts
HPV 7 - Butcher’s warts
Let us read about warts in detail as they are commonly seen in the dermatology OPD.
Common warts are also known as verruca vulgaris.
Common warts are Asymptomatic.
They are Hyperkeratotic growths.
They show pseudo-Koebner’s phenomenon.
Plane warts are also known asverruca plana. They are:
The top of the lesion is the plane.
Commonly seen on the face.
Caused by HPV 3 and HPV 10
Usually seen in immunocompromised patients (HIV-positive patients, transplant patients, patients undergoing chemotherapy)
If the skin is breached, the transmission can occur via fomites or person-to-person.
Plantar warts
Superficial: HPV 2 —> Mosaic pattern
Deep : HPV 1 —> Myrmecia
They are Painful in nature
Commonly seen in children
EDV - Epidermodysplasia Verruciformis
Caused by HPV 5 & HPV 8
Genetic tendency to widespread HPV infections - Autosomal recessive
If pain persists for more than 3 months after herpes zoster
Some say> 1 month
Pain / neurological symptoms
Extremely painful
Treatment of postherpetic ganglia: Gabapentin, Pregabalin, and Tricyclic antidepressants
Treatment of HerpesZoster virus
Acyclovir - 800 mg five times a day for 7 - 10 days
Treatment should be started Within 48 - 72 hours
7. HHV - 4 - Epstein Barr Virus
Human Herpes virus 7 or Epstein Barr virus causes the following diseases:
IMN - infectious mononucleosis
Glandular fever /kissing disease
Exanthem is present
Forscheimer spots may be seen
It presents with Fever and sore throat
If the patient is given antibiotics → amoxicillin, ampicillin causes a rash known as AMPI RASH
Oral Hairy Leukoplakia
Whitish patches are present on the tongue's lateral border, which cannot be removed by scraping.
Commonly seen in HIV patients
Other EBV Associated Diseases
Burkitt’s Lymphoma
Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma
8. HHV - 6 and 7
It causes pityriasis, rosea, and roseola infantum.
It acts as a trigger for lichen planus
Roseola Infantum
It is also known as Exanthem subitum, where Exanthem means diffuse red rash and Subitum means sudden onset. Roseola denotes its red color.
Seen In infants < 2 years
Subsidies in 3- 5 days
Suddenly, a rash appears on the trunk.
Rose red-colored papules
Pityriasis Rosea
Caused by HHV - 6 and 7
PITYRIASIS means scaly.
It occurs 2 -3 weeks post URTI/GI infection.
The appearance of the first erythematous lesion on the trunk is called the Herald’s patch.
It is surrounded by scales in a collar-like fashion: collarette of scales
After 1-2 weeks, numerous scaly lesions appear all over the body.
Christmas Tree / Fir Tree Pattern is seen along the lines of the cleavage.
9. HHV - 8 Kaposi Sarcoma
Deep bluish vascular lesions are present. They are usually seen in HIV-positive patients.
10. Parvovirus B19
Parvovirus B19 causes erythema infectiosum. A slapped cheek appearance is seen.
10. Enteroviral Disease
It includes certain diseases, which are as follows:
HFMD - Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease
The Causative organisms of hand, foot and mouth disease is Coxsackie A16 & Enterovirus 71. It is usually seen in children. Vesicles and erythematous papules are seen over the hands, foot, and mouth. Fever and other constitutional symptoms may be present.
The Causative organism for Herpangina is Enterovirus 71. In this disease Coalescing erosions are seen on the palate.
A morbilliformrash is seen in measles. Koplik’s spots are present on the opposite side of the premolars. The rash is present behind the ear, neck, and trunk.
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