Mastering the INI-CET demands a strategic approach to preparation, with an emphasis on high-yield topics proving to be a successful tactic. This blog zeroes in on exactly that – a curated list of high-yield questions in OBS-GYN that are highly likely to appear on the INI-CET. By acquainting yourself with these questions and their detailed explanations, you'll deepen your understanding of obstetrics and gynecology concepts, enhancing your confidence and readiness for exam day.
1. A 23-year-old primigravida presents in labor for delivery. She is a known case of rheumatic heart disease. After delivery of the placenta, the patient starts to bleed heavily. All of the following drugs may be used for management, except?
B. Methylergometrine
C. Oxytocin
D. Carboprost
Correct Option: B
Methylergometrine is an ergotalkaloid that stimulates uterine contractions and is used to manage postpartum hemorrhage.
However, it causes vasoconstriction which can greatly increase BP.
Incorrect Options:
Option A: Misoprostol
Misoprostol is contraindicated in hemodynamic instability, ectopic pregnancy, and InflammatoryBowel Diseases.
Option C: Oxytocin
Oxytocin is contraindicated in the following conditions:
Uterine tachysystole
When delivery can not be performed vaginally
Option D: Carboprost
It is contraindicated in asthma
2. Which of the following is associated with increased risk for the complication, shown below?
The image of the placenta shows vessels from the umbilical cord traveling within the membrane unsupported (velamentous cord), while the USG image also suggests vessels from the cord near the fetal presenting part in the lower segment.
Such findings are suggestive of velamentous cord with vasa previa.
Vasa previa
Presence of velamentous cord at the level of Internal Os.
Rupture of the membranes involving the overlying vessels lead to vaginal bleeding.
As it is entirely fetal blood, this may result in fetalexsanguination and even death in more than 50% of cases.
Diagnosis is best made by doppler
Incorrect Options:
Option A:
There is no increased risk of PROM.
Option B:
Vasa previa may be associated with increased risk of PPH given its association with placenta previa, but this is less likely a complication than fetal exsanguination.
Option D:
There is no increased risk of fetal malformations with vasa previa.
3. A 22-year-old primigravida presents to the antenatal clinic in the second month of pregnancy with complaints of cough, hemoptysis, night sweats, and fever. She is diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis after relevant investigations. Which of the following anti-tubercular drug combination s may be given to this patient?
Any of the 1st line drugs except streptomycin
Any of the 1st line drugs except ethambutol
Only 2nd line agents can be used in pregnancy
ATT should be started only in the second trimester
Correct Option:
Option A: Any of the 1st line drugs except streptomycin
Streptomycin is the only first-line anti-TB drug documented to have harmful effects on the human fetus (congenital deafness) and should not be used.
Streptomycin is contraindicated in pregnancy.
Incorrect Options:
Option B:Any of the 1st line drugs except ethambutol
Among the 1st line anti-TB drugs, streptomycin is the only one contraindicated in pregnancy. Ethambutol can be used in pregnancy.
Option C: Only 2nd line agents can be used in pregnancy
First-line anti-TB drugs can be used in pregnancy, except streptomycin. They are more effective than 2nd line drugs.
Option D: ATT should be started only in the second trimester
ATT should be started as soon as TB is confirmed. It can be started in the 1st trimester.
4. A 26-year-old pregnant woman, G3P2 at the gestation of 12 weeks has come to the hospital. She has a history of conisation one year back, and currently, she is on follow-up with no recurrence of cervical abnormalities on the Pap smear. She also has a history of preterm births at 30 and 32 weeks during her last 2 pregnancies. Which of the following would be the next step in managing this patient?
Termination of pregnancy
Cervical cerclage
Complete bed rest
Ecosprin + LMWH
Correct Option B: Cervical cerclage
Conization, also known as a cone biopsy, is a surgical procedure in which a cone-shaped wedge of tissue is removed from the cervix or other part of the body for examination and treatment of abnormal cells or lesions.
Given the history of conization and previous preterm births, cervicalcerclage may be considered. Cervicalcerclage is a surgical procedure where a stitch is placed around the cervix to provide support and prevent cervical insufficiency. This can be a preventive measure to reduce the risk of preterm birth.
Incorrect Options:
Option A:Termination of pregnancy
History of conisation and history of 2 preterm births is indicative that the patient has cervicalinsufficiency due to a short cervix. Women with a history of conization have a shorter cervical length.
Termination of pregnancy is not indicated here, as strengthening the cervix can benefit the patient.
Option C: Complete bed rest
Complete bed rest is advised; however, cervicalcerclage is more definitive, which should be followed by rest.
Option D: Ecosprin + LMWH
Ecosprin with LMWH is indicated in recurrent abortions due to antiphospholipid antibody syndrome.
5. A 28-year-old nulliparous woman is undergoing evaluation for infertility. She is being monitored for ovulation with serial ultrasounds and LH levels. Ovulation is expected after how many hours of the ‘Peak’ of the ‘Upstroke’ in this diagram here:
0-6 hours
10-12 hours
12-24 hours
24-36 hours
Correct Option:
Option B: 10-12 hours
From the onset of the LH surge, it takes 24-36 hours and from the peak, it takes 10-12 hours to ovulate.
The midcycle LH surge is responsible for a dramatic increase in local concentrations of prostaglandins and proteolytic enzymes in the follicle. These substances progressively weaken the follicular wall and ultimately allow a perforation to form.
6. A 28-year-old female with menorrhagia and primary infertility has a Hb of 8gm%. Hysteroscopic view of the uterus shows. What is the diagnosis?
Pedunculated subserosal fibroid
Submucosal Fibroid
Carcinoma Endometrium
Gestational sac
Correct Option:
Option B: Submucosal Fibroid
In the image, a round, firm regular-edge mass is located in the uterinecavityattached to the stalk, so it is a submucosal fibroid.
Submucosal fibroids are associated with heavy menstrual bleeding, intermenstrual bleeding, infertility, and pain.
Incorrect Options:
Option A: Pedunculatedsubserosal fibroid
A pedunculatedsubserosalfibroid typically extends outward from the outer surface of the uterus (serosa) and is not expected to be visualized within the uterinecavity on hysteroscopy. This option is less likely given the hysteroscopic view.
Option C: Carcinoma Endometrium
Carcinoma of the endometrium is a malignant condition affecting the lining of the uterus. It is not typically visualized as a mass within the uterinecavity on hysteroscopy. The primary presentation of endometrial carcinoma includes abnormal uterine bleeding.
Option D: Gestational sac
A gestational sac is not expected to be visualized on hysteroscopy in a non-pregnant state. Additionally, the symptoms of menorrhagia and primary infertility are not typically associated with a gestational sac.
7. A 23-year-old female patient presents to the clinic with complaints of pain and occasional bleeding after sexual intercourse The clinicians decide to do a per-vaginal examination. She uses the instrument shown below to perform the procedure. What is the name of the instrument shown below?
Ayre's spatula
Cusco's speculum
Sim's double-bladed speculum
Doyen's retractor
Correct Option:
Option B: Cusco's Speculum Or Duck-Billed Speculum
It is a stainless steel instrument with 2 concave Blades attached by a hinge.
It is self-retaining.
It is used to inspect the vagina for doing a Papsmear or a biopsy
Incorrect Options:
Option A: Ayre spatula
The Ayre spatula is used for collecting Pap smears. It is a hardwood spatula with a flat surface and U-shaped holes on the other. The large end is for vaginal samples, while the thin end is for collecting cervical samples.It is spun 360 degrees in the vagina to collect cells for a Pap smear test.
After exposing the external os with a speculum, the Ayre spatula is inserted into the cervix.
Cytology specimens are acquired by firmly moving the spatula over the ectocervix and rapidly transferring the cells to a slide or jar.
Option C: Sim's double-bladed speculum
Sims' vaginal speculum is a surgical device with two blades to examine the vagina and cervix.
Sims' speculum is placed into the vagina to retract the posteriorvaginal wall. It exposes the vaginal walls better than Cusco's speculum and is preferable for gynecological procedures.The instrument can be moved around the vaginal wall to improve vision.
The groove in the center of Sims' speculum allows secretions and blood to flow freely to the outside, keeping the region dry.
Option D: Doyen’s retractor
The Doyen's retractor is a handheld retractor mostly used in abdominal surgeries such as abdominal hysterectomies, caesarean section births, and ectopic pregnancy treatments. This handheld equipment also has a hooked handle, which may help the surgeon maintain a stronger grasp.
8. A 25-year-old female underwent induced ovulation. On USG, the ovary showed 8 developing follicles. The serumestradiol level was 800 pg/ml. What is the next step in the management of this patient?
Retrieve follicles
Give cabergoline
Cancel cycle
Withhold human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG)
Correct Option:
Option D: Withhold human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG)
One follicle makes around 150-200 pg of estradiol. Once the follicles are ready in size, around 17-20 mm on USG, then the trigger of HCG is given for final oocytematurityfollicular rupture.
For 8 follicles, the estradiol should be around the 1200-1600 range. So we can do two things:
Either cancel the cycle, but with 8 follicles, it's not a wise step since more than 3 are adequate to attempt an oocyte aspiration.
Or withhold the HCG, a prudent step here, to wait for another couple of days for the estradiol to hopefully rise and then give the trigger of HCG.
Incorrect Options:
Option A: Retrieve follicles
In this case, 8 follicles have already been formed, which is adequate for ovulation. So, withholding the HCG is the best option.
Option B: Give cabergoline
Cabergoline is used to treat of hyperprolactinemia.
Option C: Cancel cycle
With 8 follicles, it’s not wise to cancel the cycle since more than 3 are adequate to attempt an oocyte aspiration.
9. A 31-year-old female, P1L1, underwent a routine pap smear, which was reported as CIN III (High-Grade SquamousIntraepithelial Lesion/ HSIL). The colposcopy showed an area of abnormal cells around her cervix. What will be the next step in management?
Colposcopy biopsy
Correct Option:
Option D: Colposcopy biopsy
A colposcopy is recommended if cervical screening finds cell HPV-induced cell changes.
These dysplastic cells can turn into cervical cancer cells.
Colposcopy is a procedure that examines the cervix for abnormal tissue and takes a biopsy if needed.
If CIN III is found, the next step is a colposcopy-directed biopsy for tissue diagnosis and to plan further management
Incorrect Options:
Option A: Trachelectomy
Surgical removal of the cervix, is called trachelectomy.
Trachelectomy is done in younger women with early cervix cancer (with a tumor no larger than 2-3 centimeters).
Trachelectomy need not be done in premalignant lesions in a young female unless a biopsy proves invasive carcinoma.
Option B: Hysterectomy
A hysterectomy is not done for CIN III unless a biopsy proves cancer
Option C: Conization
Conization of the cervix is defined as the excision of a cone-shaped or cylindrical wedge from the cervixuteri that includes the transformation zone and all or a portion of the endocervical canal.
Conization is not done in a young patient with an incomplete family as it causes
Short cervix→ cervicalincompetence → abortions
Stenosis→ Infertility
10. A 62-year-old woman has postmenopausalbleeding after 13 years of menopause. She has hypertension and type 2 diabetes mellitus. An endometrial biopsy is performed showing grade I endometrial adenocarcinoma. Which of the following is the most appropriate next step in management?
B. Cone biopsy
D. Hysterectomy
Correct Option:
Option D:
Hysterectomy, or surgical removal of the uterus, is a common and often curative treatment for endometrial adenocarcinoma. In cases of grade I endometrial adenocarcinoma, particularly when diagnosed early, hysterectomy may be the primary treatment. This surgical intervention aims to remove the cancerous tissue and prevent its spread.
Incorrect Options:
Option A:
Chemotherapy is generally not the first-line treatment for early-stage, low-grade endometrial adenocarcinoma. It is more commonly considered for advanced or recurrent cases. The standard initial treatment for grade I endometrial adenocarcinoma is often surgery (hysterectomy).
Option B:
Cone biopsy is used for diagnosis of cervical cancer in cases of cervical growth, or for treatment of stage 1A1 cancer without lymphovascular space invasion. This has no role in the management of endometrial cancer.
Option C:
Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is not appropriate in the management of endometrial adenocarcinoma. This is because estrogen replacement, a component of HRT, can stimulate the growth of endometrial cancer cells. In the context of endometrial adenocarcinoma, estrogen exposure is generally minimized rather than replaced.
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