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INI-CET Previous Year Question Papers

Oct 6, 2023

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INI CET May 2023 Question Paper

INI CET May 2023 Forensic Medicine Questions

INI CET May 2023 Physiology

INI CET May 2023 ENT Questions

INI CET May 2023 Medicine Questions

INI CET May 2023 Anesthesia

INI CET May 2023 Pharmacology Questions

INI CET May 2023 Orthopedics Questions

INI CET May 2023 Dermatology Questions

INI CET May 2023 Anatomy Questions

INI CET May 2023 Gynaecology and Obstetrics Questions

INI CET May 2023 Radiology Questions

INI CET May 2023 Microbiology Questions

INI CET May 2023 Psychiatry Questions

INI CET May 2023 Biochemistry Questions

INI CET May 2023 Ophthalmology Questions

INI CET May 2023 Surgery Questions

INI CET May 2023 PSM Questions

INI CET May 2023 Pathology Questions

INI CET May 2023 Pediatrics Questions

INI CET Previous Year Questions November 2022 

INI CET November 2022 Forensic Medicine Questions

INI CET November 2022 Physiology Questions

INI CET November 2022 ENT Questions

INI CET November 2022 Medicine Questions

INI CET November 2022 Anaesthesia Questions

INI CET November 2022 Pharmacology Questions

INI CET November 2022 Orthopedics Questions

INI CET November 2022 Dermatology Questions

INI CET November 2022 Anatomy Questions

INI CET November 2022 Gynaecology and Obstetrics Questions

INI CET November 2022 Radiology Questions

INI CET November 2022 Microbiology Questions

INI CET November 2022 Psychiatry Questions

INI CET November 2022 Biochemistry Questions

INI CET November 2022 Ophthalmology Questions

INI CET November 2022 Surgery Questions

INI CET November 2022 PSM Questions

INI CET November 2022 Pathology Questions

INI CET November 2022 Pediatrics Questions

INI CET Previous Year Questions May 2022 

INI CET May 2022 Forensic Medicine Questions

INI CET May 2022 Physiology Questions

INI CET May 2022 ENT Questions

INI CET May 2022 Medicine Questions

INI CET May 2022 Anesthesia Questions

INI CET May 2022 Pharmacology Questions

INI CET May 2022 Orthopedics Questions

INI CET May 2022 Dermatology Questions

INI CET May 2022 Anatomy Questions

INI CET May 2022 Gynaecology and Obstetrics Questions

INI CET May 2022 Radiology Questions

INI CET May 2022 Microbiology Questions

INI CET May 2022 Psychiatry Questions

INI CET May 2022 Biochemistry Questions

INI CET May 2022 Ophthalmology Questions

INI CET May 2022 Surgery Questions

INI CET May 2022 PSM Questions

INI CET May 2022 Pathology Questions

INI CET May 2022 Pediatrics Questions

INI CET Previous Year Questions November 2021 

INI CET Nov 2021 Forensic Medicine Questions

INI CET Nov 2021 ENT Questions

INI CET Nov 2021 Medicine Questions

INI CET Nov 2021 Anaesthesia Questions

INI CET Nov 2021 Orthopedics Questions

INI CET Nov 2021 Dermatology Questions

INI CET Nov 2021 Anatomy Questions

INI CET Nov 2021 Gynaecology and Obstetrics Questions

INI CET Nov 2021 Radiology Questions

INI CET Nov 2021 Psychiatry Questions

INI CET Nov 2021 Biochemistry Questions

INI CET Nov 2021 Ophthalmology Questions

INI CET Nov 2021 Surgery Questions

INI CET Nov 2021 PSM Questions

INI CET Nov 2021 Pathology Questions

INI CET Nov 2021 Pediatrics Questions

INI CET Nov 2021 Microbiology Questions

INI CET Nov 2021 Pharmacology Questions

INI CET Nov 2021 Physiology Questions

INI CET Previous Year Questions May 2021 

INI CET May 2021  Forensic Medicine Questions

INI CET  May 2021 Physiology Questions

INI CET May 2021 ENT Questions

INI CET May 2021 Medicine Questions

INI CET May 2021 Anaesthesia Questions

INI CET May 2021 Pharmacology Questions

INI CET May 2021 Orthopedics Questions

INI CET May 2021 Dermatology Questions

INI CET May 2021 Anatomy Questions

INI CET May 2021 Gynaecology and Obstetrics Questions

INI CET May 2021 Radiology Questions

INI CET May 2021 Microbiology Questions

INI CET May 2021 Psychiatry Questions

INI CET May 2021 Biochemistry Questions

INI CET May 2021 Ophthalmology Questions

INI CET May 2021 Surgery Questions

INI CET May 2021 PSM Questions

INI CET May 2021 Pathology Questions

INI CET May 2021 Pediatrics Questions

INI-CET Previous Year Question Papers

Are you gearing up for the upcoming INI-CET exam? Well, you're in the right place! The road to success in this challenging examination demands not only dedication but also a strategic approach to your preparation. And Previous Year Question Papers (PYQs) is something both educators and past exam toppers swear by.

When it comes to acing INI-CET or even NEET PG, PYQs are nothing short of gold dust. They hold the secrets to understanding the exam's patterns, types of questions examiner ask, and ultimately achieving your dream. They are the windows to the past, offering valuable insights into the future. 

In this blog, we have listed subject-wise previous year question papers for INI-CET starting from the most recent May 2023 exam. You will also find complete PYQ PDF's to download which features not just questions but detailed explanation of all the options. So, read on.

INI CET May 2023 Question Paper

In 2023, INI CET exam for the July session was conducted on 7th May. Enlisted below are the questions asked in the exam from each subject along with their correct answers.

INI CET May 2023 Forensic Medicine Questions

Topic: Asphyxial Deaths

Ques: 1. A girl from the village was found dead in the lake and was taken out. It is a case of ante mortem drowning. All are true about this case except?

  1. Water in the stomach 
  2. Froth on nose and mouth
  3. Washerman hand and finger
  4. Diatoms test positive
  5. Cadaveric spasm in hand muscle

Correct answer: Washerman hand and finger

Topic: Forensic Toxicology

Ques: 2. Drunk man presented with alcoholic smell and congested conjunctiva and normal motor functions (walking normally). Which of the following is correct?

  1. Drunk but not influenced by alcohol 
  2. Drunk but influenced by alcohol
  3. Drunk 
  4. Not drunk

Correct Answer: Drunk but not influenced by alcohol

INI CET May 2023 Physiology

Topic: The Nervous System 

Ques: 1. The bitter taste of toxic substances prevents us from its consumption, which of the following elicits the bitterness?

  1. Aldehyde
  2. Amino acids
  3. Alkaloids
  4. Hydrogen ions

Correct answer: Alkaloids

Topic: Cardiovascular System

Ques: 2. Which is responsible for fetal heart rate acceleration?

  1. Carotid baroreceptor
  2. Aortic baroreceptor 
  3. Autonomic function of brainstem
  4. Chemoreceptor

Correct answer: Autonomic function of brainstem

INI CET May 2023 ENT Questions

Topic: Nose and Paranasal Sinuses

Ques: 1. A South Indian male farmer presents to the ENT OPD with complaints of reddish mass coming out from the nose as shown in the image below and the histopathology examination is also given below. What is the likely diagnosis?

Nose and Paranasal Sinuses
  1. Rhinosporidiosis
  2. Rhinoscleroma
  3. Rhinophyma
  4. Nasal polyp

Correct Answer: Rhinosporidiosis

Topic: Larynx

Ques: 2. A 27 years old female present with thyroid swelling that compresses the nearby structures. Which of the following symptoms is not seen in this patient?

  1. Hoarseness of voice due to recurrent laryngeal nerve compression
  2. Dysphagia due to oesophagus compression.
  3. Superior vena cava syndrome
  4. None of the above

Correct answer: Superior vena cava syndrome

INI CET May 2023 Medicine Questions

Topic: Pulmonology

Ques: 1. A 40-year-old man presents with daytime sleepiness and impaired concentration and memory. On examination his BMI is 41 kg/m2, BP is 160/100 mm Hg. His awake ABG analysis is given: PaO2= 66mm Hg, PaCO2= 50 mm Hg, HCO3= mEq/L. What is the most likely diagnosis?

  1. Obstructive sleep apnea
  2. Narcolepsy
  3. Obesity hypo-ventilation syndrome
  4. Central sleep apnea

Correct Answer: Obesity hypo-ventilation syndrome

Topic: Cardiology

Ques: 2. A 35-year-old female presents with skin thickening and muscle weakness. Her peripheries became pale on exposure to cold. Her ANA pos creatine kinase is increased. scl-70 pos and perifascicular infiltration is noted in biopsy. What is the antibody associated with this condition?

  1. Anti PM scl antibody
  2. Anti Jo1 antibody
  3. Anti centromere antibody
  4. Antinuclear antibody

Correct Answer: Anti PM scl antibody

INI CET May 2023 Anesthesia

Topic: Cardiopulmonary Cerebral Resuscitation

Ques: 1. Which of the following statements given below is incorrect regarding CPR?

  1. Depth of chest compression up to 5-6 cm
  2. Allow adequate chest recoil
  3. Ventilation 22-25/ min
  4. Chest compression rate 100-120/min

Correct Answer: Ventilation 22-25/ min

Topic: Mechanical Ventilation and Modes of Ventilation

Ques: 2. Patient of pneumonia on ventilator with wt.-50 kg ,RR 14/min, bicarbonate - 18, pH 7.3, pCO2 48mmHg, pO2 110mmHg, PEEP 12 cm H2O, tidal volume 420mL, Spo2 - 100 % with FiO2 90 %. What is the next step in management?

  1. Increase PEEP
  2. Decrease fio2
  3. Decrease RR
  4. Increase tidal volume

Correct Answer: Decrease fio2

INI CET May 2023 Pharmacology Questions

Topic: Endocrine Pharmacology

Ques: 1. A female patient with diabetes was given some oral drug which reduced her HbA1c from 7.6 to 6.7. The patient had high GIP and GLP1 levels with low glucagon levels. The drug given to the patient is?

  1. Liraglutide
  2. Pramlintide
  3. Voglibose
  4. Sitagliptin

Correct Answer: Sitagliptin

Topic: Endocrine Pharmacology

Ques: 2. A female patient presented with vulvovaginal pruritis. On detailed history taking, it was found that she was on some antidiabetic drugs. Which antidiabetic drug can cause the above-mentioned side effect?

  1. Canagliflozin
  2. Metformin
  3. Linagliptin
  4. Liraglutide

Correct Answer: Canagliflozin

INI CET May 2023 Orthopedics Questions

Topic: General + Upper Limb Traumatology

Ques: 1. Which of the following ribs are fractured in the X-ray given below?

General + Upper Limb Traumatology
  1. 1
  2. 3
  3. 6
  4. 7

Correct Answer: 3

Topic: General + Upper Limb Traumatology

Ques: 2. What is the name of the test performed in the image given below?

 General + Upper Limb Traumatology
  1. Allen test
  2. Adson test
  3. Barbeau test
  4. Homans test

Correct Answer:  Allen test

INI CET May 2023 Dermatology Questions

Topic: Cutaneous Infections

Ques: 1. A man presents with a rash on his flank with itching for the past 2 weeks. The patient has tried several over-the-counter medications, including lotrimin and hydrocortisone, without any improvement. In physical examination, the rash is seen on his palms and the sole of one foot, but no oral lesions are found. What is the likely diagnosis?

Cutaneous Infections
  1. Urticaria
  2. Viral exanthem
  3. Erythema multiforme
  4. Tinea corporis

Correct Answer: Erythema multiforme

Topic: Introduction to Dermatology 

Ques: 2. A patient on anti-PD1 immunotherapy (nivolumab) comes with pruritis, eczema, and urticarial rashes. Histopathological examination reveals a subepidermal blister and direct immunofluorescence of the lesions showed linear C3 and IgG on the basement membrane. What is the diagnosis?

  1. Dermatitis herpetiformis
  2. Pemphigus vulgaris
  3. Pemphigus foliaceus
  4. Bullous Pemphigoid

Correct Answer: Bullous Pemphigoid

INI CET May 2023 Anatomy Questions 

Topic: Lower Limb

Ques: 1. Which of the following structures is supplied by the superior gluteal nerve?

  1. Gluteus maximus
  2. Gluteus minimus
  3. Piriformis
  4. All of the above

Correct Answer: Gluteus minimus

Topic: General Embryology

Ques: 2. SRY gene present on?

  1. Y chromosome short arm
  2. Y chromosome long arm
  3. X chromosome short arm
  4. X chromosome long arm

Correct Answer: Y chromosome short arm

INI CET May 2023 Gynaecology and Obstetrics Questions

Topic: Gynecology

Ques: 1. What is the most common cause of menorrhagia in puberty?

  1. Endometriosis
  2. Anovulation
  3. Malignancy
  4. Primary amenorrhea

Correct Answer: Anovulation

Topic: Gynecology

Ques: 2. A 30-year-old pregnant female diagnosed with fibroid presented with fever, mild leukocytosis, and pain at 28 weeks. What is the likely cause?

  1. Red degeneration of fibroid
  2. Fibroid torsion
  3. Fibroid infection
  4. Labor pain

Correct Answer: Red degeneration of fibroid

INI CET May 2023 Radiology Questions

Topic: OBGYN Imaging

Ques: 1. Banana sign on USG is seen in which of the following conditions?

OBGYN Imaging
  1. Omphalocele
  2. Spina bifida
  3. Anencephaly
  4. Encephalocele

Correct Answer: Spina bifida

Topic: OBGy Imaging
Ques: 2. What is not an advantage of USG over mammography?

  1. USG can be used to detect mammography undetectable tumors which are palpable
  2. Can be used for guided biopsy
  3. In young females with dense breasts
  4. Can be used to differentiate solid VS cystic

Correct Answer: USG can be used to detect mammography undetectable tumors which are palpable

INI CET May 2023 Microbiology Questions

Topic: Parasitology

Ques: 1. A man keeps on dropping the cat feces as he goes around. Which of the following is the infective stage of the organism being transmitted through cat feces?

  1. Tachyzoite
  2. Bradyzoite
  3. Oocyst
  4. Gametocyte

Correct Answer: Oocyst

Topic: Mycology

Ques: 2. A man has undergone a renal transplant and is taking immunosuppressant drugs. On biopsy there was presence of budding cells with pseudohyphae. Identify the organism?

  1. Invasive candidiasis
  2. Invasive aspergillosis
  3. Pneumocystis
  4. Histoplasmosis

Correct Answer: Invasive candidiasis

INI CET May 2023 Psychiatry Questions

Topic: Child Psychiatry

Ques: 1. La belle indifference is seen in?

  1. Conversion disorder
  2. Cotard syndrome
  3. Schizophrenia
  4. Depression

Correct Answer: Conversion disorder

Topic: Neurotic, Stress-Related and Somatoform Disorders 

Ques: 2. SCOFF criteria is used as a screening tool for which of the following disorders?

  1. Eating disorder
  2. Sexual disorder
  3. Alcohol use disorder
  4. Schizophrenia

Correct Answer: Eating Disorder

INI CET May 2023 Biochemistry Questions

Topic: Carbohydrate Metabolism

Ques: 1. Pompe disease is seen due to deficiency of?

  1. Lysosomal acid alpha glucosidase
  2. β-hexosaminidase-A
  3. β–galactocerebrosidase
  4. β-glucocerebrosidase

Correct Answer: Lysosomal acid alpha glucosidase

Topic: Vitamins

Ques: 2. Xanthurenic aciduria is seen in which vitamin deficiency?

  1. Vitamin B6
  2. Vitamin B12
  3. Vitamin B5
  4. Vitamin B7

Correct Answer: Vitamin B6

INI CET May 2023 Ophthalmology Questions

Topic: Sclera

Ques: 1. The given image shows blanching of vascularity after the phenylephrine use. What is the likely diagnosis?

  1. Nodular episcleritis
  2. Nodular scleritis
  3. Nodular phlycten
  4. Conjunctivitis

Correct Answer: Nodular episcleritis

Topic: Instruments 

Ques: 2. Which of the following lenses is used in direct gonioscopy?

  1. Goldmann
  2. Koeppe
  3. Zeiss
  4. Richardson

Correct Answer: Koeppe

INI CET May 2023 Surgery Questions

Topic: Urology

Ques: 1. A 30-year-old male undergoes varicocele surgery to correct his left-sided varicocele. Following the procedure, the surgeon explains the postoperative changes to the patient. The patient asks, "Through which route does the venous drainage primarily occur after the surgery?" Which of the following is the correct response by the surgeon?

  1. Cremasteric veins
  2. Penile veins
  3. Ectopic drainage in the iliac fossa
  4. At the usual location

Correct Answer: Cremasteric veins

Topic: Cardiothoracic Vascular Surgery

Ques: 2. A patient presents with dull aching pain and tortuous veins in both lower limbs. Which test would be appropriate for evaluating superficial femoral vein (SFJ) incompetence?

  1. Fegan's test
  2. Morrissey test
  3. Modified Perthes test
  4. Brodie Trendelenburg test

Correct Answer: Brodie Trendelenburg test

INI CET May 2023 PSM Questions

Topic: Allied Health Disciplines

Ques: 1. Inheritance of pattern - 

Allied Health Disciplines
  1. AD
  2. AR
  3. XR
  4. XD

Correct Answer: AD

INI CET May 2023 Pathology Questions

Topic: Immunity 

Ques: 1. Jak stat pathway is seen in which of the following?

  1. Vasopressin
  2. Calcitonin
  3. Leptin
  4. Aldosterone

Correct Answer: Leptin

Topic: Cell Injury

Ques: 2. Which of the following is an Anti-apoptotic gene?

  1. BAK
  2. MCL-I
  3. BIN
  4. NOX-Q

Correct Answer: MCL-I

INI CET May 2023 Pediatrics Questions 

Topic: Diseases of Immune System

Ques: 1. A child appear with the following appearance can present with?

Diseases of Immune System
  1. Pure red cell aplasia
  2. Immunodeficiency
  3. Lymphoproliferative disorder
  4. Gingivostomatitis

Correct Answer: Pure red cell aplasia

Topic: Genetics and Genetic Disorders

Ques: 2. A child with fever for 6 days, strawberry tongue, conjunctival congestion with peeling of skin. What will be the treatment option for this child?

Genetics and Genetic Disorders
Genetics and Genetic Disorders
  1. IVIG
  2. Aspirin + clopidogrel
  3. LMWH
  4. Warfarin

Correct Answer: IVIG

Download along with the detailed explanations for all the correct and incorrect options now.

INI CET Previous Year Questions November 2022 

The INI CET examination for the January session in 2022 was held on November 13th. Here are the questions from each subject, along with their correct answers.

INI CET November 2022 Forensic Medicine Questions

Topic: Forensic Identification

Ques: 1. Fingerprint first develops in how many weeks of intrauterine life?

  1. 12-16
  2. 20-24
  3. 28-32
  4. 32-36

Correct Answer: 12-16

Topic: Forensic Toxicology

Ques: 2. Identify the given plant - 

 Forensic Toxicology
  1. Datura alba
  2. Argemone mexicana
  3. Nerium odorum
  4. Papaver somniferum

Correct Answer: Argemone mexicana

INI CET November 2022 Physiology Questions

Topic: Blood Physiology

Ques: 1. Match the following molecules with their carriers in plasma - 

1, ThyroxineHemopexin
2. Fatty acidPrealbumin
3. HemoglobinAlbumin
4. HemeHaptoglobin
  1. 1-B, 2-C, 3-D, 4-A
  2. 1-A, 2-B, 3-C, 4-D
  3. 1-A, 2-D, 3-B, 4-C
  4. 1-B, 2-C, 3-A, 4-D

Correct Answer: 1-B, 2-C, 3-D, 4-A

Topic: Respiratory System 

Ques: 2. Which physiological adaptation does not happen at high altitudes? 

  1. Pulmonary vasoconstriction 
  2. Polycythemia
  3. Respiratory acidosis
  4. Hypoxia

Correct Answer: Respiratory acidosis

INI CET November 2022 ENT Questions

Topic: Larynx

Ques: 1. CT scan of a patient with laryngeal carcinoma is shown below. What is the staging?

  1. T1N0M0
  2. T4N1M0
  3. T2N1M0
  4. T3N0M0

Correct Answer: T4N1M0

Topic: Nose and Paranasal Sinuses

Ques: 2. A gentleman presents to the OPD with a saddle nose deformity. He gives a past history of cough, on/off fever, and hemoptysis. On examination, septal perforation is present with pale granuloma. His chest x-ray showed multiple cavitary lesions, and the biopsy showed granuloma, multinucleated giant cells, and caseous necrosis. What would be the probable cause?

  1. Wegener’s granulomatosis
  2. Tuberculosis
  3. Syphilis
  4. Sarcoidosis

Correct Answer: Tuberculosis

INI CET November 2022 Medicine Questions

Topic: Endocrinology

Ques: 1. A diabetic patient’s fasting blood glucose level is found to be 160 mg/dL. What will you advise the patient regarding non-pharmacological management?

  1. At least 80 mg of dietary fibre
  2. <5 g sodium intake every day
  3. <30% of the calories should come from fat
  4. Cholesterol <100 mg

Correct Answer: <30% of the calories should come from fat

Topic: Pulmonology

Ques: 2. A chronic cigarette smoker now joined a construction company. His pulmonary function test results are given below. What is the most likely diagnosis for this patient?

Initial lung volumes were:




After bronchodilation:




  1. Vascular disease with bronchodilator reversibility
  2. Restrictive lung disease with bronchodilator reversibility
  3. Restrictive lung disease without bronchodilator reversibility
  4. Obstructive disease with bronchodilator reversibility

Correct Answer: Obstructive disease with bronchodilator reversibility

INI CET November 2022 Anaesthesia Questions

Topic: Intravenous Anesthetic Agents

Ques: 1. Arrange the following anesthetic agents based on their potency 

Nitrous oxide




  1. Methoxyflurane > Halothane > Isoflurane> Nitrous oxide
  2. Methoxyflurane > Isoflurane > Halothane > Nitrous oxide
  3. Methoxyflurane > Nitrous oxide > Halothane > Isoflurane
  4. Halothane > Isoflurane > Nitrous oxide > Methoxyflurane

Correct Answer: Methoxyflurane > Halothane > Isoflurane> Nitrous oxide

INI CET November 2022 Pharmacology Questions

Topic: General Pharmacology

Ques: 1. The extent of drug absorption is represented by: 

  1. Tmax
  2. Area under the curve
  3. Cmax
  4. t1/2

Correct Answer: Area under the curve

Topic: Anticancer Drugs

Ques: 2. Which among the following drugs is the new FDA approved immune check point inhibitor for carcinoma endometrium? 

  1. Nivolumab
  2. Pembrolizumab
  3. Transtuzumab
  4. Ipilimumab

Correct answer: Pembrolizumab

INI CET November 2022 Orthopedics Questions

Topic: Spine + Pelvis + Lower Limb Traumatology

Ques: 1. The most common pattern of involvement in Pott's spine is

  1. Paradiscal
  2. Central
  3. Anterior
  4. Posterior

Correct Answer: Paradiscal

Topic: Pediatric Orthopedics

Ques: 2. Combination of appearance in CTEV

  1. Equinus, eversion, forefoot adduction, cavus
  2. Equinus, inversion, forefoot adduction, cavus
  3. Equinus, eversion, forefoot abduction, cavus
  4. Equinus, inversion, forefoot adduction, planus

Correct Answer: Equinus, inversion, forefoot adduction, cavus

INI CET November 2022 Dermatology Questions

Topic: Mycobacterial Infections

Ques: 1. A 12-week pregnant woman on multidrug therapy for leprosy presents with type 2 lepra reaction. What is the treatment of choice for this patient?

  1. Stop MDT and start oral steroids.
  2. Antibiotics
  3. Thalidomide
  4. Continue MDT and add oral steroids

Correct Answer: Continue MDT and add oral steroids

Topic: Skin Appendages and their Disorders

Ques: 2. Consider the causes of alopecia. Which among the following causes non-scarring alopecia?

  • Alopecia areata
  • Telogen effluvium
  • Androgenic alopecia
  • Frontal fibrosing alopecia
  1. 3 and 4 
  2. 1, 2 and 3
  3. 2,3 and 4
  4. Only 4

Correct Answer: 1, 2, and 3

INI CET November 2022 Anatomy Questions

Topic: Pelvis and Perineum 

Ques: 1. The rupture of penile urethra does not cause extravasation of blood into which of the following spaces?

  1. Superficial perineal pouch
  2. Deep perineal pouch
  3. Ischiorectal fossa
  4. Skin around the scrotum

Correct answer: Ischiorectal fossa

Topic: Neuro Anatomy 

Ques: 2. Arrange in sequence the structures involved in the direct pathway:-

1. Striatum

2. Globus pallidus

3. Substantia nigra

4. Thalamus

5. Cortex

  1. 1,2,3,4,5 
  2. 5,4,2,31
  3. 5,1,2,3,4
  4. 1,3,4,2,5

Correct Answer: 5,1,2,3,4

INI CET November 2022 Gynaecology and Obstetrics Questions

Topic: Gynecology

Ques: 1. What is the age group distribution of vulvar cancer? 

  1. Not age specific
  2. 35-55 years
  3. 55-85 years
  4. Both of the above

Correct Answer: 55-85 years

Topic: Obstetrics

Ques: 2. Which of the following is not true about lupus nephritis in pregnancy?

  1. Immunosuppression can be continued during pregnancy
  2. Pregnancy to be planned once the disease has been quiescent for at least 6 months and there is no evidence of renal dysfunction
  3. High dose corticosteroids for lupus flare in pregnancy is safe
  4. Ecosprin, methotrexate, cyclophosphamide, corticosteroids, azathioprine are safe in pregnancy

Correct Answer: Ecosprin, methotrexate, cyclophosphamide, corticosteroids, azathioprine are safe in pregnancy

INI CET November 2022 Radiology Questions

Topic: Thoracic Radiology 

Ques: 1. Which of the following findings are seen in a high-resolution CT scan of fungal pneumonia?

1.Interlobular septations

2.Peripheral wedge-shaped consolidation

3.Pleural effusion

4.Cavitatory lesions with surrounding ground glass opacities

  1. 1,2,4
  2. 1,3,4
  3. 1,2,3
  4. 2,3,4

Correct Answer: 1,2,3

Topic: Gastrointestinal Radiology

Ques: 2. A patient presents to the casualty following blunt trauma to the chest. A chest X-ray was done. Among the following radiographs, in which case would you further evaluate the patient before putting a chest tube?

1. Diaphragmatic hernia

2. Hemothorax

3. Pneumothorax

4. Flail chest

Gastrointestinal Radiology
Gastrointestinal Radiology
  1. 4
  2. 1
  3. 2
  4. 3

Correct Answer: 1

INI CET November 2022 Microbiology Questions

Topic: Systemic Bacteriology

Ques: 1. Mode of transmission of abdominal TB includes all except

  1. Direct spread from mesenteric lymph nodes 
  2. Hematogenous spread
  3. Feco – oral route
  4. Direct contact with infected animal

Correct Answer: Feco- oral route

Topic: Immunology 

Ques: 2. Antigen binding to MHC class I activates which of the following cells?

  1. Cytotoxic T cells
  2. B cells
  3. NK cells
  4. Helper cells

Correct Answer: Cytotoxic T cells

INI CET November 2022 Psychiatry Questions

Topic: Mood Disorders

Ques: 1. Which of the following is false about bipolar disorder?

  1. It most commonly affects ages 35-45 years
  2. Type 1 is common in both sexes
  3. Prevalence in the general population is 1-2%
  4. Attempt to commit suicide seen in around 15% of people

Correct Answer: It most commonly affects ages 35-45 years

Topic: Sleep Disorders

Ques: 2. On performing polysomnography in a patient, the waves of EOG, EEG, and EMG, from above downwards, are seen below. Which stage of sleep do the marked areas represent?

  • EOG- Electrooculography
  • EEG- Electroencephalography
  • EMG- Electromyography
  1. REM Sleep 
  2. NREM I sleep 
  3. NREM II sleep 
  4. NREM II sleep 

Correct answer: REM sleep

INI CET November 2022 Biochemistry Questions

Topic: Genetics

Ques: 1. Which is the correct sequence of steps in isolating desirable protein using recombinant DNA technology? 

1. Expression of protein and lysis of the bacterial cell

2. Incorporation of genes into bacteria


4. Protein elution

5. Hybridization

  1. 2, 1, 3, 5, 4
  2. 1, 2, 4, 3, 5
  3. 1, 5, 2, 4, 3
  4. 2, 4, 5, 3, 1

Correct Answer: 2, 1, 3, 5, 4

Topic: Amino Acids and Proteins Chemistry

Ques: 2. In a patient with maple syrup urine disease, all of the following amino acids should be restricted in diet except?

  1. Methionine
  2. Valine
  3. Leucine
  4. Isoleucine

Correct Answer: Methionine

INI CET November 2022 Ophthalmology Questions

Topic: Introduction to Ophthalmology 

Ques: 1. What is the action of the superior oblique muscle?

  1. Intorsion, abduction, depression
  2. Intorsion, adduction, elevation 
  3. Extorsion, abduction, depression
  4. Extorsion, adduction, elevation

Correct Answer: Intorsion, abduction, depression

Topic: Glaucoma

Ques: 2. Which triad is seen after an acute attack of angle-closure glaucoma?

  1. Vogt’s triad
  2. Virchow triad 
  3. Hutchinson’s triad
  4. Gaucher triad

Correct Answer: Vogt’s triad

INI CET November 2022 Surgery Questions

Topic: Others

Ques: 1. Neurogenic shock is associated with______?

  1. Hypertension + tachycardia
  2. Hypotension + tachycardia
  3. Hypotension + bradycardia
  4. Hypertension + bradycardia

Correct Answer: Hypotension + bradycardia

Topic: Others

Ques: 2. All the following are criteria for SIRS, except

  1. Systolic blood pressure <90 mmHg
  2. Temperature >38 degree Celsius or <36 degree Celsius
  3. Respiratory rate >20 bpm
  4. Heart rate >90/ min

Correct Answer: Systolic blood pressure <90 mmHg

INI CET November 2022 PSM Questions

Topic: National Health Programs

Ques: 1. Which of the following criteria should be satisfied to start MDT?

1. Hypopigmented patch with sensory loss

2. Peripheral nerve thickening

3. Peripheral nerve thickening with sensory loss

4. Skin biopsy demonstrating bacilli

  1. 1,4
  2. 1,3
  3. 1,3,4
  4. 1,2,3,4

Correct Answer: 1,3

Topic: Communicable and Non-communicable diseases

Ques: 2. Match the following scientists with their discoveries. 

Walter ReedPrevention of scurvy by citrus fruits
Edward JennerB. Yellow fever
James LindC. Smallpox Vaccination
  1. 1-A, 2-B, 3-A
  2. 1-B, 2-A, 3-C
  3. 1-C, 2-B, 3, A
  4. 1-B, 2-C, 3-A

Correct Answer: 1-B, 2-C, 3-A

INI CET November 2022 Pathology Questions

Topic: Skin and Musculoskeletal

Ques: 1. A child presents with multiple skin lesions over the inner thigh and genital areas. It initially started as macules and later developed to become nodules. Some nodules have central umbilication. The histology of the lesion is shown below. What would be found on biopsy?

Skin and Musculoskeletal
  1. Multinucleate giant cells (Tzanck cells)
  2. Donovan bodies
  3. Henderson – Patterson bodies
  4. Koilocytes

Correct Answer: Henderson – Patterson bodies

Topic: Hematology: Red Blood Cells

Ques: 2. Identify the given bone marrow biopsy instrument

 Hematology: Red Blood Cells
  1. Klima needle
  2. Sala’s needle
  3. Jamshidi needle
  4. Islam needle

Correct Answer: Klima needle

INI CET November 2022 Pediatrics Questions

Topic: Neonatology

Ques: 1. In neonatal resuscitation, which of the following is the most effective indicator of successful ventilatory effort?

  1. Color change
  2. Rise in heart rate
  3. Air entry
  4. Chest rise

Correct Answer: Rise in heart rate

Topic: Infectious Diseases

Ques: 2. A child presents with complaints of fever, rash, body ache, and throat ache. He had a history of thorn prick injury a week back. What antibiotics would you give empirically to this child?

  1. Ceftriaxona
  2. Amoxicillin + clavulanate
  3. Vancomycin
  4. Meropenem

Correct Answer: Amoxicillin + clavulanate

Download along with the detailed explanations for all the correct and incorrect options now.

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INI CET Previous Year Questions May 2022 

On May 8th, 2022, the INI CET exam for the July session transpired. Check out the questions from every subject, including their accurate answers.

INI CET May 2022 Forensic Medicine Questions

Topic: Traces of Evidences

Ques: 1. Sagar was being tried in a court for the murder of Mohan in the park. Shikhar appeared in court and said he saw Sagar carrying a knife in his hand while in the park. What is this evidence known as?

  1. Direct 
  2. Indirect 
  3. Hostile
  4. Hearsay 

Correct Answer: Indirect

Topic: Forensic Toxicology 

Ques: 2. A male patient was presented with a history of consumption of an unknown substance. He had increased sweating, lacrimation, diarrhea, muscle weakness, and tachycardia. What's the management?

  1. Atropine
  2. Calcium gluconate 
  3. Pralidoxime
  4. Obidoxime

Correct Answer: Atropine

INI CET May 2022 Physiology Questions

Topic: Nerve Muscle Physiology

Ques: 1. Myosin ceases to be in contact with actin filaments as a result of:

  1. Attachment of ATP to the myosin head 
  2. Cessation of calcium release from the sarcoplasm
  3. Conformational change in Troponin T
  4. Dissociation of ADP and Pi

Correct Answer: Attachment of ATP to the myosin head 

Topic: Gastrointestinal System

Ques: 2. Transport of iron into enterocytes is done by which of the following proteins.

  1. Transferrin 
  2. Ferroportin
  3. Hepcidin
  4. Divalent metal transporter – 1

Correct Answer: Divalent metal transporter – 1

INI CET May 2022 ENT Questions

Topic: Ear 

Ques: 1. A patient presents with vertigo associated with horizontal nystagmus. The slow component is towards the left. What is the most likely diagnosis?
BPPV – Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo

  1. Posterior canal BPPV
  2. Superior canal BPPV
  3. Right hypoactive labyrinth
  4. Left hypoactive labyrinth

Correct Answer: Left hypoactive labyrinth

Topic: Larynx

Ques: 2. Foreign body entry into the laryngeal inlet is prevented by the cough reflex. This reflex is sluggish in alcohol ingestion and some other conditions. Which nerve is likely injured?

  1. Internal laryngeal nerve 
  2. Glossopharyngeal nerve
  3. External laryngeal nerve
  4. Recurrent laryngeal nerve

Correct Answer: Internal laryngeal nerve 

INI CET May 2022 Medicine Questions

Topic: Neurology 

Ques: 1. A young man is brought to the hospital with high-grade fever and altered consciousness. On examination, he had neck rigidity and pain when bending the neck. A lumbar puncture was performed, which showed a WBC count of 45 cells/µL, majorly being neutrophils, elevated pressure with protein of 120 mg/dL, and glucose level of 70 mg/dL. How will you manage the index case?

  1. Piperacillin + tazobactam 
  2. Vancomycin + ceftriaxone 
  3. Amphotericin B + flucytosine 
  4. Antitubercular therapy

Correct Answer: Amphotericin B + flucytosine

Topic: Cardiology 

Ques: 2. A patient with heart disease has breathlessness on going to the bathroom. What grade does he belong to?

  1. NYHA 3 
  2. NYHA 4
  3. MMRC 4
  4. MMRC 5 

Correct Answer: NYHA 3

INI CET May 2022 Anesthesia Questions

Topic: Regional Anesthesia

Ques: 1. Which of the following local anesthetics causes hypertension?

  1. Cocaine
  2. Lignocaine 
  3. Bupivacaine
  4. Prilocaine

Correct Answer: Cocaine

Topic: Intravenous Anesthetic Agents

Ques: 2. Which of the following is required for the cannulation of a newborn?

1. 22G needle

2. 24G needle

3. 5-mL syringe

4. Adhesive tape

5. Normal saline

  1. 1,3,4,5
  2. 2,3,4,5
  3. 2,4
  4. 1,4

Correct Answer: 2,3,4,5

INI CET May 2022 Pharmacology Questions

Topic: General Pharmacology

Ques: 1. Which of the following statements is correct regarding clinical trials?

  1. New drug application is done after phase 4
  2. Phase 4 is also called post marketing surveillance
  3. Phase 3 is always double blinded
  4. Phase 2 is done on healthy individuals

Correct Answer: Phase 4 is also called post marketing surveillance

Topic: General Pharmacology

Ques: 2. Dorzolamide is a _____

  1. Topically applied sulfonamide antibacterial
  2. Topical ocular carbonic anhydrase inhibitor
  3. Second – generation sulfonylurea
  4. Opioid receptor agonist

Correct Answer: Topical ocular carbonic anhydrase inhibitor

INI CET May 2022 Orthopedics Questions

Topic: General + Upper Limb Traumatology

Ques: 1. Anterior dislocation of the shoulder is likely to result in the damage of which of the following nerves?

  1. Axillary nerve
  2. Median nerve
  3. Radial nerve
  4. Suprascapular nerve

Correct answer: Axillary nerve

Topic: Pediatric Orthopedics

Ques: 2. You visit a newborn near your house and notice that the baby has CTEV, as shown below. When would you advise the baby's parents for a consultation to put on a cast?

Pediatric Orthopedics
  1. 1 month
  2. In 6 months
  3. In a few days
  4. When the child starts walking 

Correct Answer: In a few days

INI CET May 2022 Dermatology Questions

Topic: Skin Tumors

Ques: 1. A 60-year-old diabetic female patient presents with progressive skin lesions, as shown in the image. What is the diagnosis?

Skin Tumors
  1. Squamous cell carcinoma
  2. Basal cell carcinoma
  3. Melasma
  4. Discoid lupus erythematosus

Correct Answer: Basal cell carcinoma

Topic: Connective tissue disorder

Ques: 2. A 10-year-old boy has weakness in his lower limbs and a rash over the eyelids. The biopsy shows inflammation of the muscle. What is the finding shown in the image below?

Connective tissue disorder
  1. Gottron’s papules
  2. Shawl sign
  3. Heliotrope rash
  4. Scleroderma

Correct Answer: Gottron’s papules

INI CET May 2022 Anatomy Questions

Topic: Head and neck 

Ques: 1. Which is not a branch of the facial artery in the face?

  1. Lateral nasal 
  2. Mental
  3. Superior labial 
  4. Inferior labial 

Correct Answer: Mental 

Topic: Lower Limb

Ques: 2. Superior gluteal nerve supplies all of the following structures except:

  1. Gluteus medius
  2. Gluteus minimus
  3. Piriformis
  4. Tensor fasciae latae

Correct Answer: Piriformis

INI CET May 2022 Gynaecology and Obstetrics Questions

Topic: Obstetrics

Ques: 1. A 25-year-old lady had an uneventful vaginal delivery. On postpartum day 1, she presented with postpartum hemorrhage and complains of visual changes and severe headache. A few hours after the complaint, she is found to be in an unresponsive state and is intubated and put on ventilation. On further examination, she has a BP of 60/40 mmHg and tachycardia, blood sugar is 48 mg/dL. Hematocrit and WBC count was normal. Which of the following drugs would help reverse this state?

  1. Inj. dobutamine
  2. Steroids
  3. Thyroxine
  4. Activated protein C

Correct Answer: Steroids

Topic: Obstetrics

Ques: 2. Which of the following statements regarding MgSO4 is false?

  1. MgSO4 causes uterine relaxation, but is dose dependent
  2. MgSO4 is continued upto 24 hours after delivery or last attack of seizure
  3. It has an inhibitory effect on cerebral cortex thereby preventing seizures and lowering the BP
  4. In renal failure, MgSO4 loading dose can be given, but maintenance dose should be adjusted based on renal function

Correct Answer: It has an inhibitory effect on cerebral cortex thereby preventing seizures and lowering the BP

INI CET May 2022 Radiology Questions

Topic: Basics of Radiology

Ques: 1. Whole -body CT scan protocol for a trauma patient includes all, except ………..

  1. CT Head
  2. CT Cervical Spine
  3. CT Limbs 
  4. CT Abdomen

Correct Answer: CT Limbs

Topic: Thoracic Radiology

Ques: 2. Egg shell calcification is seen in all the following except………

  1. Silicosis
  2. Sarcoidosis
  3. Post radiation therapy lymph nodes
  4. Metastatic lymph nodes

Correct Answer: Metastatic lymph modes

INI CET May 2022 Microbiology Questions

Topic: General Microbiology

Ques: 1. Which agents can be used as a disinfectant but not a sanitizer?

  1. Hydrogen peroxide
  2. Penicillin
  3. Methyl paraben
  4. Bleaching powder

Correct Answer: Hydrogen peroxide

Topic: Immunology

Ques: 2. Vaccination against which of the following is recommended in the elderly?

1. Varicella zoster virus

2. Rota virus

3. Measles

4. Pneumococcal Meningitis

  1. 1,2,3,4
  2. 1,3
  3. 1,4
  4. 2,3

Correct Answer: 1,4

INI CET May 2022 Psychiatry Questions

Topic: Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorders

Ques: 1. A patient diagnosed with schizophrenia started on risperidone. After taking the medication last night, the patient rushed to OPD today, complaining of upward rolling of his eyes. What is the management of the condition?

  1. Lorazepam
  2. Promethazine
  3. Olanzapine
  4. Stop antipsychotic 

Correct Answer: Promethazine

Topic: Child Psychiatry

Ques: 2. Which of the following diseases is exclusively seen in females?

  1. Rett syndrome
  2. Asperger syndrome
  3. Selective mutism
  4. Atypical autism

Correct Answer: Rett syndrome

INI CET May 2022 Biochemistry Questions

Topic: Genetics

Ques: 1. Which of the following techniques is used to detect DNA-protein interactions?

  1. DNA footprinting
  2. DNA fingerprinting
  3. ELISA
  4. Northern blotting

Correct Answer: DNA footprinting

Topic: Genetics

Ques: 2. The banding technique used for dicentric chromosomes is:

  1. G banding
  2. C banding 
  3. NOR
  4. R banding

Correct Answer: C banding

INI CET May 2022 Ophthalmology Questions

Topic: Community Ophthalmology

Ques: 1. What is the most common cause of moderate–severe visual impairment according to the National Blindness and Visual Impairment Survey 2015-19?

  1. Refractive error
  2. Untreated cataract
  3. Glaucoma
  4. Diabetic retinopathy

Correct Answer: Untreated cataract

Topic: Neuro Ophthalmology

Ques: 2. Which of the following statements is true about optic neuritis?

  1. The relative afferent pupillary defect is seen
  2. There is no pain in ocular movement
  3. Multiple myeloma is a common cause
  4. Oral corticosteroids are the mainstay of treatment

Correct Answer: The relative afferent pupillary defect is seen

INI CET May 2022 Surgery Questions

Topic: Plastic Surgery

Ques: 1. Identify the true statement regarding split skin and full–thickness skin grafts:

1. Primary contractures are more in split skin grafts

2. Secondary contractures are more in split skin grafts

3. Primary contractures are more in full-thickness grafts

4. Secondary contracture is more in full-thickness grafts

  1. 2,3
  2. 2,4
  3. 1,3
  4. 1,4

Correct Answer: 2,3

Topic: Clinical Essentials

Ques: 2. Which of the following causes maximum malnutrition? 

  1. Pancreatic fistula
  2. Duodenal fistula
  3. Distal ileal fistula
  4. Colonic fistula

Correct Answer: Duodenal fistula

INI CET May 2022 PSM Questions

Topic: Screening of Diseases

Ques: 1. A point–of–care diagnostic test with a sensitivity of 98% shows a negative test result in a patient. What does this imply?

  1. The patient would need another point–of–care diagnostic test for the same clinical condition
  2. The prevalence of the disease is 2%.
  3. The patient is less likely to have the disease
  4. The patient has been wrongly ruled out due to false negatives

Correct Answer: The patient is less likely to have the disease

Topic: Epidemiology

Ques: 2. Attributable risk calculated to understand the relation between smoking and lung cancer is 90%. Which of the following is true?

  1. 10% of lung cancers in smokers is not associated with smoking 
  2. 90% cases of lung cancer can be eliminated in population if smoking is eliminated
  3. 90% cases of lung cancer can be eliminated in smokers if smoking is eliminated
  4. 10% cases of lung cancer can be eliminated in population if smoking is eliminated

Correct Answer: 90% cases of lung cancer can be eliminated in smokers if smoking is eliminated

INI CET May 2022 Pathology Questions

Topic: Hematology: Red Blood Cells

Ques: 1. All of the following are seen in anemia of chronic disease except:

  1. High serum hepcidin 
  2. Low serum ferritin
  3. Chronic infection
  4. Normal iron stores

Correct Answer: Low serum ferritin

Topic: Endocrinology

Ques: 2. Neurosecretory bodies are seen in all except

  1. Medullary thyroid carcinoma
  2. Pituitary adenoma 
  3. Paraganglioma
  4. Adrenal cortical tumor

Correct Answer: Adrenal cortical tumor

INI CET May 2022 Pediatrics Questions

Topic: Nutrition and Malnutrition

Ques: 1. Which alternative to breast milk in low birth weight (LBW) children can be used?

  1. Cow’s milk
  2. Preterm formula
  3. Term formula
  4. Human donor milk

Correct Answer: Human donor milk

Topic: Pediatric Nephrology

Ques: 2. A 4-year-old male child with a body weight of 15 kg and height of 100 cm is admitted with renal failure. His blood urea was 100 mg/dL, and serum creatinine was 1 mg/dL. What is the closest calculated eGFR in the patient?

  1. 33 ml/min/1.73 m2 BSA
  2. 40 ml/min/1.73 m2 BSA
  3. 55 ml/min/1.73 m2 BSA
  4. 80 ml/min/1.73 m2 BSA

Correct Answer: 40 ml/min/1.73 m2 BSA

Download along with the detailed explanations for all the correct and incorrect options now.

INI CET Previous Year Questions November 2021 

The INI CET examination for the January 2021 session was conducted on November 14th. Delve into the previous year questions from all subjects and their respective correct answers enlisted below.

INI CET Nov 2021 Forensic Medicine Questions

Topic: Forensic Toxicology

Q.1. Arrange the following in the correct order of symptomatology seen in iron toxicity:

  1. Pyloric stricture
  2. Asymptomatic phase
  3. Gastrointestinal bleeding
  4. Liver failure and hypoglycemia
  1. 2,3,1,4
  2. 2,3,4,1
  3. 3,2,4,1
  4. 3,4,1,2

Ans. 3

Topic: Violent Asphyxia Deaths

Q.2. A 24 year old man who was accused of murder was taken into police custody. As a part of the interrogation, the prisoner was kept in a prone position with both his wrists and ankles bound behind his back and secured with a rope. What is this method known as ?

  1. Choke/ carotid hold
  2. Carotid steeper hold
  3. Hog tie
  4. Bar arm

Ans. 3

INI CET Nov 2021 ENT Questions

Topic: Nose and Paranasal Sinuses

Q.1. A 65-year-old patient presents with right-sided nasal obstruction and occasional blood-stained nasal discharge. His CT and endoscopy findings are shown in the below image. What could be the underlying cause?

Inverted papilloma
  1. Inverted papilloma
  2. Carcinoma maxilla
  3. Esthesioneuroblastoma
  4. Nasopharyngeal angiofibroma

Ans. 1

Topic: Nose and Paranasal Sinuses

Q.2. The given image is of a person with a history of minor trauma with a piece of wood, 20 days back. His face is affected on the left side with facial swelling and orbital edema. CT scan revealed clear sinuses and the presence of subcutaneous nodules. Microscopy of the tissue sections was PA S-positive and stained positive with Grocott’s meth enamine silver stain. What is the most likely diagnosis?

  1. Phycomycosis
  2. Midline lethal granuloma
  3. Foreign body granuloma
  4. IgG4 granuloma

Ans. 1

INI CET Nov 2021 Medicine Questions

Topic: Rheumatology / Connective Tissue Disorder

Q.1. A patient presented with sinusitis, ulcerative lesions on the nasopharynx, nodular lesions with cavitations of the lung, and renal failure. Which of the following is the most useful investigation for this patient?

  1. Test for ANCA
  2. Biopsy to show granuloma
  3. AFB staining of sputum
  4. BAL

Ans. 1

Topic: Cardiology

Q.2. In atrial fibrillation, choose the correct statements:

  1. Novel oral anticoagulants (NOACs) used in the treatment of moderate to severe MS
  2. Anticoagulants should be given in patients with ischemic stroke due to atrial fibrillation
  3. NOACs are contraindicated in prosthetic valves
  4. All patients with atrial fibrillation who are not candidates for cardiac surgery can be started on beta-blockers
  1. 1,2,3 and 4 correct
  2. 1,2 and 3 correct
  3. 2 and 3 correct
  4. 1 and 4 correct

Ans. 3

INI CET Nov 2021 Anaesthesia Questions

Topic: Oxygen Therapy

Q.1. A 42 year old man who was under home isolation after testing positive for COVID-19, develops breathing difficulty and is brought to the ER. The patient is alert and responsive, but is breathing rapidly. SpO2 is measured to be 86%. He is administered oxygen via a face mask with a reservoir bag with a flow rate of 10 L/min. After a trial of one hour, his SpO2 is 88%. What is the next step in management?

  1. Increase flow rate to 15 L/min
  2. High – flow nasal cannula oxygen therapy
  3. Endotracheal intubation
  4. No specific intervention necessary

Ans. 2

Topic: Clinical Essentials

Q.2. What is the most common cause for hospital admission after daycare surgery?

  1. Respiratory distress
  2. Post-surgical pain
  3. Postoperative nausea and vomiting
  4. Bleeding

Ans. 3

INI CET Nov 2021 Orthopedics Questions

Topic: Spine + Pelvis + Lower Limb Traumatology

Q.1. A 15-year-old boy was brought to the ER following a motor vehicle collision complaining of pain over the hip. The x-ray is given below. What is the next step of management?

Closed reduction and assessment of hip stability
  1. Closed reduction and assessment of hip stability
  2. CT pelvis with 3D reconstruction
  3. High weight skeletal traction
  4. Open reduction and reconstruction of posterior pillar of acetabulum

Ans. 1

Topic: General + Upper Limb Traumatology

Q.2. Which of the following statements are true about open fractures?

  1. Tibia and phalanges are most commonly involved
  2. Usually no co-existing injuries
  3. Compartment syndrome does not occur in open fractures
  4. Early debridement should be done
  1. 1 and 2
  2. 1 and 4
  3. 2 and 4
  4. 2 and 3

Ans. 2

INI CET Nov 2021 Dermatology Questions

Topic: Cutaneous Infections

Q.1. The below given image is characteristically seen in which of the following type of leprosy?

Borderline leprosy
  1. Borderline lepromatous leprosy
  2. Lepromatous leprosy
  3. Borderline leprosy
  4. Histoid leprosy

Ans. 3

Topic: Cutaneous Infections

Q.1. A patient presents with following lesions on the genitals. Scrapings from the lesion would show?

Tzanck cells
  1. Tzanck cells
  2. Cells with clear halo around the nucleus
  3. Molluscum bodies
  4. HP bodies


INI CET Nov 2021 Anatomy Questions

Topic: Abdomen

Q.1. Which of the following branches of the anterior division of the internal iliac artery?

  1. Superior gluteal artery
  2. Inferior gluteal artery
  3. Superior vesical artery
  4. Middle rectal artery
  5. Inferior vesical artery
  6. Vaginal artery
  1. 1,2,3,5
  2. 2,3,4,6
  3. 2,3,4,5,6
  4. 1,4,5,6

Ans. 3

Topic: Neuro Anatomy

Q.2. The cell marked in the below slide is inhibitory to:

Deep nuclei of cerebellum
  1. Deep nuclei of cerebellum
  2. Vestibular nuclei
  3. Inferior olivary nucleus
  4. Basal ganglia


INI CET Nov 2021 Gynaecology and Obstetrics Questions

Topic: Gynecology

Q.1. A 26-year-old woman who has had 2 children through normal delivery presents with a dull aching pain over the abdomen, with irregular menses. Per vaginal examination revealed a mass felt through the posterior fornix. A USG showed a clear ovarian cyst of size 5 x 5 cm. What is the next best step?

  1. Measure CA 125 levels
  2. Follow up after 6 weeks
  3. Laparoscopy
  4. CT pelvis

Ans. 2

Topic: Gynecology

Q.2. What is the probable diagnosis from the given clinical image?

Uterocervical prolapse
  1. Cervical carcinoma
  2. Uterine inversion
  3. Uterocervical prolapse
  4. Fibroid polyp

Ans. 3

INI CET Nov 2021 Radiology Questions

Topic: Genitourinary Radiology

Q.1. A 22-year-old male was brought to the emergency room following a road traffic accident. On examination, his GCS was E2M2V3. He had no fractures and no hydrocephalus or raised intracranial pressure. Non-contrast CT was performed and was found to be normal. The likely diagnosis is:

  1. Diffuse axonal injury
  2. Post-concussion syndrome
  3. Extradural haemorrhage
  4. Herniation of brain


Topic: Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Q.2. What type of MRI image is given below?

Susceptibility weighted image
  1. Proton density image
  2. Susceptibility weighted image
  3. Gradient echo image
  4. Inversion recovery image

Ans. 2

INI CET Nov 2021 Psychiatry Questions

Topic: Basics of Psychiatry

Q.1. Match the following

A. Twilight state
B. Oneiroid state
C. Oligophrenia
D. Paranoid ideation
1.Subnormal intelligence
2.Impaired level of consciousness
  1. A-4, B-2, C-3, D-1
  2. A-3, B-4, C-1, D-2
  3. A-1, B-4, C-2, D-3
  4. A-2, B-4, C-1, D-3

Ans. 4

Topic: Neurotic, Stress-Related and Somatoform Disorders

Q.2 Match the following:

A. Depression
B. Suicide
C. Burnout
D. Overworking
1. The feeling goes away as soon as you leave the hospital
2. State of emotional and physical exhaustion caused by prolonged stress, relieved after relaxation
3. Difficult to diagnose due to the shell of physician’s pride
4. Women physicians, substance abuse, relationship troubles
  1. A-3, B-4, C-1, D-2
  2. A-4, B-3, C-1, D-2
  3. A-3, B-4, C-2, D-1
  4. A-2, B-1, C-3, D-4

Ans. 3

INI CET Nov 2021 Biochemistry Questions

Topic:  Genetics

Q.1. What is the effect of RNAi on gene expression?

  1. Knock out
  2. Knockdown
  3. Knock up
  4. Knock in

Ans. 2

Topic: Oxidative Phosphorylation

Q.2. Cytochrome oxidase is inhibited in all of the following poisonings except:

  1. Hydrogen sulfide
  2. Carbon monoxide
  3. Methane
  4. Cyanide

Ans. 3

INI CET Nov 2021 Ophthalmology Questions

Topic: Squint / Strabismus

Q.1. Identify the condition:

Oculomotor nerve palsy
  1. Medial rectus palsy
  2. Trochlear nerve palsy
  3. Abducens nerve palsy
  4. Oculomotor nerve palsy

Ans. 4

Topic: Orbit

Q.2. The most common tumor of the lacrimal gland is?

  1. Adenoid cystic carcinoma
  2. Non Hodgkin Lymphoma
  3. Pleomorphic adenoma
  4. Mucoepidermoid carcinoma

Ans. 3

INI CET Nov 2021 Surgery Questions

Topic: Urology

Q.1. A 26 year old male presented with a painless large round firm right testicular swelling, with a dragging sensation. The left testis was normal. AFP was around 3000U. What is the next best step in the management?

  1. FNAC
  2. Scrotal true cut biopsy
  3. High inguinal orchidectomy
  4. Repeat tumor markers

Ans. 3

Topic: Urology

Q.2. A 20-year-old was brought to the ER after falling off his bicycle. His vitals were stable, but he had a bruise over the perineum, and he had not passed urine yet. Blood was seen at the meatus and the bladder was not palpable. How do you manage him?

  1. Wait and send him home
  2. Immediate insertion of foleys catheter
  3. Suprapubic aspiration of urine
  4. Wait for bladder to fill and urge to urinate

Ans. 4

INI CET Nov 2021 PSM Questions

Topic: Communicable and Non-communicable Diseases

Q. 1. Match the following STI kit colors and their use:

A. Lower abdominal pain
B. Urethral discharge
C. Non herpetic genital ulcer
D. Vaginal discharge
1. Grey, Kit 1
2. Green, Kit 2
3. White, Kit 3
4. Yellow, Kit 6
  1. A-4, B-3, C-2, D-1
  2. A-4, B-1, C-3, D-2
  3. A-1, B-4, C-3, D-2
  4. A-3, B-2, C-4, D-1

Ans. 2

Topic: Screening of Diseases

Q.1. Which of the following statements is true?

  1. In a population with low prevalence of the disease, positive result with a highly sensitive test means true positive
  2. Sensitivity depends on prevalence of the disease
  3. Positive predictive value depends on prevalence of disease
  4. Specificity depends on prevalence of the disease

Ans. 3

INI CET Nov 2021 Pathology Questions

Topic: Neoplasia

Q.1. Human Papillomavirus inactivates the RB gene by which of the following proteins?

  1. E6
  2. E7
  3. L1
  4. L2

Ans. 2

Topic: Hematology: Red Blood Cells

Q.2. The vacutainer tube is shown in the given image contains:

Clot activator ​​​​​​​
  1. Na-EDTA
  2. Trisodium citrate
  3. NAF- heparin
  4. Clot activator ​​​​​​​

Ans. 4

INI CET Nov 2021 Pediatrics Questions

Topic: Neonatology

Q.1. Which of the following is are components of kangaroo mother care?

  1. Early discharge, skin-to-skin contact, prevent infection
  2. Early discharge, skin-to-skin contact, exclusive breastfeeding
  3. Skin-to-skin contact, exclusive breastfeeding, prevent infection
  4. Early discharge, exclusive breastfeeding and prevent infection

Ans. 2

Topic: Neonatology

Q.2. Which of the following is seen in physiological jaundice?

  1. Increased indirect bilirubin, increased urobilinogen, absent bilirubin in urine
  2. Increased direct bilirubin, increased urobilinogen, absent bilirubin in urine
  3. Increased indirect bilirubin, absent urobilinogen, absent bilirubin in urine
  4. Increased direct bilirubin, absent urobilinogen, absent bilirubin in urine

Ans. 1

INI CET Nov 2021 Microbiology Questions

Topic: Systemic Bacteriology

Q.1. A 55- year old patient had a tooth extraction three days back. He now presents with a mass in the submandibular region which is otherwise asymptomatic. There is no ulcer on the oral mucosa. On drainage of the discharge, it was foul-smelling with a lot of yellow granules. They showed gram – positive filamentous rods on gram's staining. What is the most likely implicated pathogen?

  1. Chromoblastomycosis
  2. Mucormycosis
  3. Actinomycetes israelli
  4. Histoplasmosis

Ans. 3

Topic: Parasitology

Q.1. Which of the following statements is true regarding trematodes?

  1. Fasciola hepatica are seen in the intrahepatic biliary radicles
  2. Schistosoma are monoecious
  3. Fasciola hepatica acquired through contaminated water
  4. Triclabendazole is the treatment of choice for all trematode infections

Ans. 1

INI CET Nov 2021 Pharmacology Questions

Topic: CVS Pharmacology

Q.1. A 34-year-old man with hypertension is diagnosed with stage 4 chronic kidney disease, with an eGFR of <30. His doctor wants to prescribe a thiazide diuretic. Which of the following can be given?

  1. Chlorothiazide
  2. Chlorthalidone
  3. Metolazone
  4. Hydrochlorothiazide

Ans. 3

Topic: ANS Pharmacology

Q.1. Which of the following can be given for long term management of obesity?

  1. Liraglutide
  2. Metformin
  3. Sibutramine
  4. Fenfluramine

Ans. 1

INI CET Nov 2021 Physiology Questions

Topic: Excretory System

Q.1. Which of the following is not involved in renal auto-regulation?

  1. Tubuloglomerular feedback
  2. Myogenic reflex
  3. Renin-angiotensin system
  4. Renal sympathetic system fibers

Ans. 4

Topic: Endocrine and Reproductive System

Q.2. The sodium iodide symporter is present in all of the following except

  1. Thyroid gland
  2. Placenta
  3. Salivary gland
  4. Pituitary gland

Ans. 3

Download complete along with the detailed explanations for all the correct and incorrect options now.

INI CET Previous Year Questions May 2021 

July 22nd, 2022, marked the date of the INI CET exam for the July session. Here's a compilation of the subject-wise questions, complete with their correct answers. 

INI CET May 2021  Forensic Medicine Questions

Topic: Forensic Thanatology

Q.1. A skull was recovered from a forest. According to inquest papers, a girl had gone missing 15 days back. The skull was sent to the forensic research lab. Which of the following would identify it as a female skull?

  1. Large frontal and parietal eminence
  2. Heavy cheek bones
  3. Smooth glabella
  4. Square orbits
  5. Narrow mastoid
  1. 1 and 4 only
  2. 2,3 and 4
  3. 1,3 and 5
  4. 3,4 and 5

Ans. 3

Topic: Violent Asphyxia Deaths

Q.2. The friend and victim had alcohol and got into an argument over a common girlfriend, following which the friend kills the victim by sitting on his chest and covering his nose and mouth. This is an example of?

  1. Burking
  2. Smothering
  3. Traumatic asphyxia
  4. Overlaying

Ans. 1

INI CET  May 2021 Physiology Questions

Topic: Excretory System

Q.1. The formula for urea clearance is U*V/P, where U is?

  1. Urine volume
  2. Sersum urea in mg/100 ml
  3. Urine urea in g/24h
  4. Urine urea in mg/100 ml

Ans. 4

Topic: Endocrine and Reproductive System

Q.2. Beta hCG is structurally similar to which biochemical moiety?

  1. LH
  2. FSH
  3. ACTH
  4. Oxytocin

Ans. 1

INI CET May 2021 ENT Questions

Topic: Ear

Q.1. A patient presents with vertigo, tinnitus, and head tilt. He underwent myringoplasty for the safe type of chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM) 6 months back. What is your diagnosis?

  1. Perilymphatic fistula
  2. Labyrinthitis
  3. Paget disease
  4. Vestibular schwannoma

Ans. 1

Topic: Larynx

Q.2. Which among the following is not used in post laryngectomy rehabilitation?

  1. Tracheo – esophageal prosthesis
  2. Esophageal speech
  3. Polite yawning
  4. Super supraglottic swallow

Ans. 4

INI CET May 2021 Medicine Questions

Topic: Cardiology

Q.1. For the diagnosis of resistant hypertension, the patient should have uncontrolled hypertension despite taking three antihypertensive drugs. This should include at least one:

  1. Calcium channel blocker
  2. Beta-blocker
  3. Alpha blocker
  4. Diuretic

Ans. 4

Topic: Neurology

Q.1. Treatment of choice for an acute attack of cluster headache is:

  1. Oral sumatriptan
  2. Subcutaneous sumatriptan
  3. 100% oxygen at 6 L/minute
  4. 100% oxygen at 8 L/minute

Ans. 2

INI CET May 2021 Anaesthesia Questions

Topic: Oxygen Therapy

Q.1. In conventional oxygen therapy, which device will deliver the highest FiO2?

  1. Venturi mask
  2. Hudson mask
  3. Non rebreathing mask
  4. Nasal cannula

Ans. 3

Topic: Oxygen Therapy

Q.2. A 60 year old male patient was undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy. During the surgery, a sudden drop in EtCO2 to 8 mmHg was noted. His SpO2 became 90%, his blood pressure dropped to 80/50 mmHg, and peak airway pressure was 18 cm of H2O. What is the diagnosis?

  1. CO2 embolism
  2. Severe bronchospasm
  3. Pneumothorax
  4. Single bronchus intubation

EtCO2- End-tidal carbon dioxide

  1. Both 1 and 2
  2. Both 3 and 4
  3. 1 only
  4. 2 only

Ans. 3

INI CET May 2021 Pharmacology Questions

Topic: General Pharmacology

Q.1. Which of the following is false about the selection of essential drugs?

  1. An adequate safety profile needs to be established
  2. Cost to benefit has to be considered
  3. Fixed drug combination is preferred over single drugs
  4. Disease prevalence is considered

Ans. 3

Topic: CVS Pharmacology

Q.2. A patient with history of ischemic stroke was started on clopidogrel. However, she had another attack of stroke after 6 months. Which of the following is likely to be responsible for the failure of clopidogrel in this patient?

  1. Downregulation of CYP2C19
  2. Downregulation of CYP2D6
  3. Upregulation of CYP1A1
  4. Downregulation of CYP2E1

Ans. 1

INI CET May 2021 Orthopedics Questions

Topic: Metabolic Disorders

Q.1. Which of the following is seen in osteoporosis?

  1. Normal calcium and increased ALP
  2. Normal calcium and normal ALP
  3. Decreased calcium and normal ALP
  4. Increased calcium and increased ALP

Ans. 2

Topic: General + Upper Limb Traumatology

Q.2. An old lady slipped and fell at home. She was diagnosed with a Colles fracture and managed with a POP cast. What is the correct sequence of reduction?

  1. Traction, POP, palmar flexion, ulnar deviation
  2. Traction, palmar flexion, ulnar deviation, POP
  3. Traction, ulnar deviation, palmar flexion, POP
  4. Palmar flexion, ulnar deviation, traction, POP

Ans. 2

INI CET May 2021 Dermatology Questions

Topic: Skin Tumors

Q.1. A forest officer develops the lesion as shown in the image. Which of the following is not a differential to consider?

  1. Scrub typhus
  2. KFD
  3. Cutaneous anthrax
  4. Healing brown recluse spider bite

Ans. 2

Topic: Pigmentary Disorders

Q.2. A young girl presents with leukotriohis and lesions as shown in the image. What is the most likely diagnosis?

Segmental vitiligo
  1. Focal vitiligo
  2. Segmental vitiligo
  3. Piebaldism
  4. Nevus depigmentosus

INI CET May 2021 Anatomy Questions

Topic: Neuro Anatomy

Q.1. Fibers from the marked structure terminate at which of the following?

Red nucleus
  1. Fastigial nucleus
  2. Inferior olivary nucleus
  3. Red nucleus
  4. Subthalamus

Ans. 3

Topic: Neuro Anatomy

Q. 2. A 6-month-old boy was brought to the casualty with seizures. The pediatrician tries to do CSF sampling. What are the structures punctured by the pediatrician while piercing through the marked structure?

Scalp, dura, arachnoid
  1. Scalp, dura, arachnoid
  2. Scalp, epicranium, endocranium and dura
  3. Scalp synchondral membrane, dura, arachnoid
  4. Pericranium, dura, arachnoid

Ans. 1

INI CET May 2021 Gynaecology and Obstetrics Questions

Topic: Gynecology

Q.1. Which of the following is not a long-acting reversible contraceptive method?

  1. Copper T
  2. Implanon
  3. Laparoscopic tubal ligation
  4. Combined oral contraceptives

Ans. 3

Topic: Gynecology

Q.2. A teenage girl presented with irregular cycles and increased facial hair. Her ovaries showed increased volume. Which of the following are used in the first line treatment?

  1. Laparoscopic ovarian drilling
  2. Anti-androgens
  3. Lifestyle modifications
  4. Combined oral contraceptive pills
  1. 1, 2, 3
  2. 2, 3, 4
  3. 1, 3, 4
  4. 1, 2, 4

Ans. 2

INI CET May 2021 Radiology Questions

Topic: Basics of Radiology

Q.1. What is the structure marked in the CT scan?

Cribriform plate
  1. Anterior ethmoidal canal
  2. Posterior ethmoidal canal
  3. Optic nerve
  4. Cribriform plate

Ans. 4

Topic: Gastrointestinal Radiology

Q.2. A young child presented with mild intermittent upper abdominal pain. X-ray is given below. What is the diagnosis?

Morgagni hernia

INI CET May 2021 Microbiology Questions

Topic: Virology

Q.1. Which of the following causes aplastic crisis in hereditary spherocytosis?

  1. Poxvirus
  2. Ebstein barr virus
  3. Adenovirus
  4. Parvovirus

Ans. 4

Topic: Immunology

Q.2. Which cell is involved in type 4/delayed type hypersensitivity?

  1. Cytotoxic T cell
  2. Macrophage
  3. Dendritic cell
  4. Neutrophil

Ans. 1

INI CET May 2021 Psychiatry Questions

Topic: Neurotic, Stress-Related and Somatoform Disorders

Q.1. A person often feels that his hands are contaminated and is forced to wash his hands. Recently, he feels this repetitive, distressing thought of repetitive hand washing has begun affecting his performance. Which of the following is the best treatment option for this patient?

  1. DBT
  2. Exposure and response prevention
  3. Systematic desensitization
  4. CBT

Ans. 2

Topic: Neurotic, Stress-Related and Somatoform Disorders

Q.2. Which of the following is not classified as OCD as per ICD 11?

  1. Trichotillomania
  2. Body dysmorphic disorder
  3. Hypochondriac disorder
  4. PTSD

Ans. 4

INI CET May 2021 Biochemistry Questions

Topic:  Genetics

Q.1. miRNA binds to which part of the mRNA to inhibit translation?

  1. Gene body
  2. Gene promoter
  3. 3’UTR
  4. 5’UTR

Ans. 3

Topic: Vitamins

Q.2. Methyl-tetrahydro-folic acid gets accumulated in deficiency of which of the following?

  1. B2
  2. B12
  3. B1
  4. B6

Ans. 2

INI CET May 2021 Ophthalmology Questions

Topic: Glaucoma

Q.1. A 30-year-old female presents with redness and pain in the eye. Examination revealed 38 mm of Hg on IOP, aqueous flare, and corneal precipitates. Which of the following drugs must be avoided for her?

  1. Beta-blockers
  2. Mannitol
  3. Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
  4. Prostaglandin analogs

Ans. 4

Topic: Conjunctiva

Q.1. SAFE strategy for trachoma includes all except?

  1. Surgery for trichiasis
  2. Antibiotics
  3. Facial cleanliness
  4. Evaluation of control program

Ans. 4

INI CET May 2021 Surgery Questions

Topic: Gastrointestinal Surgery

Q.1. A surgeon performs an appendectomy with a grid iron incision. He later converts the incision to Rutherford Morrison incision. Which of the following are cut?

  1. External oblique
  2. Internal oblique
  3. Transversus abdominis
  4. Rectus abdominis
  1. 1,3,4
  2. 2,3,4
  3. 1,2,3
  4. 1,2,4

Ans. 3

Q.2. What is triage for?

  1. To prepare for a disaster
  2. To assess the impact of a disaster
  3. To classify the priority of treatment
  4. To rehabilitate following a disaster

Ans. 3

INI CET May 2021 PSM Questions

Topic: Preventive Medicine in Obstetrics, Pediatrics and Geriatrics

Q.1. A new drug has been introduced into the market which was found to decrease mortality but it does not cure the disease. Which of the following is a true statement regarding prevalence and incidence?

  1. Decrease in incidence
  2. Decrease in prevalence
  3. Increase in incidence
  4. Increase in prevalence

Ans. 4

Topic: Preventive Medicine in Obstetrics, Pediatrics and Geriatrics

Q.2. Compared to a pregnant female, a lactating female would require a higher level of nutrient supplementation for which of the following?

  1. Vitamin A
  2. Calcium
  3. Iron
  4. Folic acid

Ans. 2

INI CET May 2021 Pathology Questions

Topic: Neoplasia

Q.1. Which is the cell of origin of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia / Small Lymphocytic Lymphoma?

  1. Mature B cells
  2. Mature T cells
  3. Progenitor T cells
  4. Naïve B cells

Ans. 4

Topic: Neoplasia

Q.2. A 5 year old child who presented with proptosis of one of the eyes was found to have a desmin positive tumour. What is the probable diagnosis?

  1. Ewing’s sarcoma
  2. Embryonal rhabdomyosaroma
  3. Leukemia
  4. Retinoblastoma

Ans. 2

INI CET May 2021 Pediatrics Questions

Topic: Infectious Diseases

Q.1. Which of the following is a true statement about congenital CMV infection?

  1. About 20-30% of the infections are symptomatic
  2. Triad of SNHL, periventricular calcification and enamel hypoplasia
  3. Most children asymptomatic at birth can develop conductive hearing loss later in life
  4. If mother is lgG positive for CMV, the child is unlikely to develop an infection

Ans. 4

Topic: Pediatric Cardiology

Q.2. Which of the following congenital heart disease has equal saturation in all heart chambers?

  1. Tetralogy of Fallot
  2. Total anomalous pulmonary venous circulation
  3. Tricuspid atresia
  4. Transposition of great arteries

Ans. 2

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