Feb 1, 2024
Postpartum depression symptoms
Postpartum Psychosis
Depression in the other parent after giving birth
Depression after giving birth
Postpartum Psychosis
The birth of a child can cause a wide range of strong emotions, from excitement and joy to fear and distress. You might not expect it, though, because it can also result in depression.
Most new mothers experience the "postpartum blues" after giving birth, which include mood swings, outbursts of crying, anxiety, and difficulty falling asleep. Postpartum blues usually begin two or three days after delivery and can linger for up to two weeks.
A person's postpartum depression is not a sign of weakness or inadequacy in their personality. It's sometimes just another problem related to childbirth.
Postpartum depression can occur for a number of causes, including mental health problems, physical changes, and heredity.
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The following are some signs of the postpartum blues that may show up a few days to a week or two after your baby is born:
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Postpartum depression symptoms are more severe and long-lasting than baby blues, but they can be mistaken for them at first. These may eventually make it harder for you to care for your baby and perform other daily tasks.
Usually, symptoms start to show up in the weeks right after giving delivery. But they can begin earlier, during pregnancy, or later, up to a year after delivery. Postpartum depression symptoms could include:
If treatment is not received, postpartum depression may persist for several months or even longer.
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Postpartum psychosis is a rare condition with extremely severe symptoms that usually manifest in the first week after delivery. Among the signs and symptoms are:
Since postpartum psychosis can lead to behaviors or thoughts that risk your life, treatment is important as soon as possible.
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According to research, postpartum depression can also affect fathers who have recently been married. They might have irregular eating and sleeping patterns, or they might feel anxious, exhausted, or sad.
Postpartum depression is most common in young fathers, those with a history of depression, those in bad partnerships, and those facing financial difficulties. Postpartum depression in fathers, commonly referred to as paternal postpartum depression, can have detrimental consequences on partner relationships and the development of children, much like it can in mothers.
If you're the spouse of a new mother and you're feeling anxious or depressed before or after your baby is born, get in touch with your healthcare provider. Treatment options for the other parent's postpartum depression include the same therapies and services accessible to women with comparable disorders.
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Postpartum depression is a condition that may occur to any new mother, and it's not always connected to her first child. Conversely, though, your risk increases if:
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Usually, your doctor will inquire about your mental health, feelings, and thoughts in order to rule out postpartum depression or other more serious conditions. Postpartum depression is a common condition, so don't feel ashamed. Share your symptoms with your doctor so that you can work together to develop a workable treatment plan.
As part of your visit, your doctor may do a depression screening, which may entail filling out a questionnaire. Your doctor may prescribe more tests if it's necessary to rule out any other potential causes of your symptoms.
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The length of treatment and recovery depends on your particular demands as well as the degree of your depression. If you have an underlying medical condition, your healthcare provider may treat an underactive thyroid or refer you to the right specialist. Additionally, your physician may recommend that you see a mental health professional.
In a few days to a week or two, the postpartum blues usually pass on their own. Meanwhile:
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Treatment options for postpartum depression include medication, psychotherapy (also known as talk therapy or mental health counseling), or a mix of both of them.
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Postpartum psychosis requires immediate treatment, typically in a hospital. Potential therapy plan:
ECT seems to change brain chemistry in a way that reduces the symptoms of psychosis and depression when other therapies have failed.
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If you have a history of depression, especially postpartum depression, let your healthcare provider know as soon as you find out you are pregnant or if you wish to become pregnant.
Throughout your pregnancy, your healthcare provider can closely monitor you for any indications of depression. You can complete a depression screening questionnaire before giving birth as well as after. Support groups, counseling, and other therapies may occasionally be beneficial for mild depression. There are several circumstances where antidepressants may be advised, including pregnancy.
To check for postpartum depression symptoms after your baby is born, your doctor may suggest an early postpartum evaluation. The quicker it is identified, the sooner treatment can begin. If you've already dealt with depression following childbirth, your doctor could suggest talk therapy or antidepressant medication right away.
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Mothers who struggle to bond with and care for their children may also stop breastfeeding, which puts them at greater risk of committing suicide. Even with treatment, a woman with postpartum depression is more likely to experience major depressive episodes in the future.
Untreated postpartum depression increases a child's risk of emotional and behavioral issues, including difficulty sleeping, eating, excessive crying, and delayed language development. Untreated postpartum depression increases a child's risk of emotional and behavioral issues, including difficulty sleeping, eating, excessive crying, and delayed language development.
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