About Growth and Development for NEET SS
In pediatrics, "Growth and Development" refers to the physical, cognitive, emotional, and social changes that occur in children from birth through adolescence. Comprehensive study of Growth and Development lays the foundation for pediatrics, and our study resources at PrepLadder help you strengthen your fundamentals and prepare you for NEET SS pediatrics exam.
Mortality Indicator in PediatricsNeonatal Mortality RateThe neonatal mortality rate is sometimes written as NNMR or NMR.It refers to the death of...
Definition Of Short StatureThere are two definitions of short stature as follows.Based on the centile chart, a child is said to have short statur...
Sexual Maturity Rating/SMR Staging in FemalesSMR StagePubic hairBreast1None / PreadolescentPreadolescent; elevation of papilla only2Sparse, strai...
How does PrepLadder make Growth and Development learning easy for students?
By combining theoretical knowledge with practical insights, at PrepLadder we ensure a well-rounded understanding of Growth and Development. We incorporate several learning resources inclusive of conceptual video lectures, comprehensive notes, QBank, Test series, and Treasures designed by India’s Top Medical Faculty.
Meet our Growth and Development Faculty
An experienced teacher, Dr. Sandeep Sharma has been teaching NEET-PG, NEET-SS and FMGE students for the past 8 years both in India and abroad. He is a subject expert in General Medicine, Medicine Gastroenterology, Medicine Hepatology and Medicine Oncology. After completing his MBBS and MD in Medicine from PGI Chandigarh. He is currently working as a Consultant Pediatrician at Omni Clinics and Diagnostics, Sector 34, Chandigarh.
Q1. Hereditary spherocytosis is the commonest congenital hemolytic disease worldwide. It is an autosomal dominant disorder. This disease is most commo
Q1. A 13-year-old girl presents with a history of pain in her left arm for several weeks. The pain is located in the shoulder and upper arm and is not
Q1. A 6-year-old boy is brought to the emergency department with complaints of decreased urine output, swelling in the feet and legs, and general mala
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