The Ultimate Study Material You Need To Crack FMGE

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Final Sprint: Last Minute Study Plan for Clearing FMGE

May 25, 2023

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Crafting a Timetable for Success

40-Day Study Schedule

How to Study

Next 25 Days Study Plan

Last 7 Days Study Plan

Most Important Pillars of FMGE Success: Consistency and Discipline

FMGE Last Minute Study Plan

The countdown has begun! 

The long-awaited FMGE exam date has been finally announced, giving you around 70 days to prepare and give it your all. But with limited time remaining, you need a well-defined plan to navigate through this final sprint. 

To excel in the FMGE exam, you must address two fundamental questions: how and what to study?

So, in this blog, we'll answer both of these questions. With the help of our esteemed faculty Dr Preeti Sharma, we have devised FMGE study plan that will serve as your roadmap, along with some smart study techniques that you can incorporate into your routine. 

So, let's dive in.

Crafting a Timetable for Success

The first step towards acing any exam is to create a well-structured timetable. 

In the case of FMGE, you need to divide your remaining 70 days strategically. We'll start with a detailed 40-day timetable to kickstart your preparation, followed by a 20-day revision timetable, and finally, a seven-day rapid revision timetable. 

By following these three timelines, you can effectively cover the entire syllabus multiple times, ensuring a solid grasp of the content.

40-Day Study Schedule

Subject Number of Days
Anatomy3 Days
Physiology3 Days
Biochemistry3 Days
Microbiology3 Days
Pathology3 Days
Pharmacology3 Days
Ophthalmology2 Days
ENT2 Days
PSM3 Days
Surgery4 Days
OBG4 Days
Peds3 Days
Medicine45 Minutes to 1 Hour Every Day
Psychiatry and Anaesthesia1 Day
Orthopedics and Radiology1 Day
Forensic and Dermatology1 Day
FMGE Mock Test and Analysis1 Day

How to Study

1. Start with Your Least Favorite Subjects

Acknowledge the subjects you dislike the most (e.g., Microbiology, Pharmacology, Biochemistry). Try to tackle these subjects first. Starting with the subjects you dislike the most will help build confidence, eliminate procrastination, and create a sense of accomplishment. 

By conquering difficult subjects early on, you establish a strong foundation and free up mental space for more enjoyable topics. This approach sets a positive momentum and motivates you to continue studying enthusiastically, leading to a more balanced and effective learning experience.

Also Read: How to start FMGE Preparations

2. Balancing with Short Subjects

Since tackling your most hated subjects can be mentally taxing, we recommend balancing it with short subjects. It is crucial to maintain a well-rounded approach to your preparation. You can incorporate any of the shorter subjects like Anaesthesia, Radiology or Psychiatry into your schedule to ensure comprehensive coverage.

It will provide a change of pace from the more challenging subjects, help prevent burnout, and keep your motivation levels high. 

Also, by striking a balance between the longer and shorter subjects, you can optimize your study plan and enhance your understanding across the entire curriculum.

3. Conquer the Dreaded Surgery and OBG

Next, you need to conquer the dreaded subjects of Surgery and OBG (Obstetrics and Gynecology) early on in your study plan is of great importance. These subjects carry significant weightage in the exam and require a deep understanding of complex medical concepts. 

By tackling Surgery and OBG in the initial 30 days of your preparation, you set a strong foundation for the rest of your study journey. Completing these extensive topics early demonstrates progress and instils a sense of accomplishment and confidence in your abilities. 

Focusing on Surgery and OBG early allows you to allocate ample time for thorough comprehension, effective revision, and practice of related questions. 

4. Towards the End: Ophthalmology, ENT, and PSM

Towards the end of your 40-day study plan, it is recommended to allocate dedicated time for the subjects of Ophthalmology, ENT (Ear, Nose, and Throat), and PSM (Preventive and Social Medicine). 

By prioritizing these subjects towards the end, you can approach them with a sense of accomplishment and a strong foundation in the core subjects. This allows for a more streamlined and targeted approach in the final stages of your preparation, ensuring comprehensive coverage and sufficient revision before the exam. 

Also Read : Everything You Need to Know About Rapid Revision Edge

5. The Final Stretch: Rest of the Subjects

By following this suggested order, you can prioritize the subjects you dislike the most, tackle the core subjects early on, and gradually work towards completing the rest of the subjects in a systematic manner. 

6. Dedicate Time to Medicine Each Day

Most importantly, it is highly recommended to dedicate a consistent daily time slot of 45 minutes to 1 hour for studying Medicine throughout the entire 40-day timetable. 

Medicine is a lengthy subject that integrates knowledge from all 18 subjects, making it crucial to give it regular attention. Setting aside a specific time each day for Medicine ensures consistent progress and deepens your understanding of its interconnected concepts.  

This daily practice strengthens your clinical knowledge and solidifies your grasp of the subject, benefiting your performance in the exam. Remember, discipline and consistency are key when studying Medicine, as it plays a significant role in your overall preparation.

While this order is suggested, it's important to note that the arrangement of these subjects can be adjusted based on your personal preference and learning needs. Adapting the order of these subjects might result in a rearranged timetable, ensuring that you have enough time to focus on each subject effectively. 

So, remember to tailor your study plan based on your strengths, weaknesses, and personal study style to optimize your performance.

Next 25 Days Study Plan

After completing the initial 40-day study plan, you will have made significant progress in covering the FMGE syllabus. It's time to optimize your preparation for the remaining 25 days leading up to the exam. 

In this section, we will guide you through the adjustments and modifications needed to fine-tune your study plan for maximum efficiency and effectiveness.

Also Read: How to Clear FMGE in One Month: Prioritising, Planning, and Refreshing Your Knowledge

Study Plan

Subject Number of Days
Anatomy2 Days
Physiology1 Day
Biochemistry2 Days
Microbiology2 Days
Pathology2 Days
Pharmacology2 Days
Ophthalmology 1 Day
ENT1 Day
PSM2 Days
Surgery2 Days
OBG2 Day
Paediatrics1 Day
Medicine3 Days
Short Subjects2 Days

Since you have already studied the same subjects before, for the next 25 Days’ revision, we can shorten the duration for each subject. However, we still recommend allocating three concrete days solely for revising and consolidating your knowledge in Medicine, as it remains a crucial and extensive subject.

Reviewing the slides and key points rather than rewatching the entire video lectures will be sufficient as you revisit the subjects. Leveraging your previous understanding and familiarity, you can scan through the material more efficiently, saving valuable time for revision and practice.

Recognizing the comprehensive nature of Medicine, we suggest dedicating specific days solely to studying this subject. Three focused days will allow you to cover the intricate details and integrate clinical knowledge across various topics. This approach ensures you have a solid grasp of this extensive subject while preventing fatigue or monotony from studying it daily.

Finalizing the 25-Day Plan

With these adjustments, we have crafted a final 25-day study plan that optimizes your remaining preparation time. This plan brings the total study duration to 65 days, providing a balanced approach for thorough revision, practice, and fine-tuning your understanding of the subjects.

Last 7 Days Study Plan

As you enter the last week before the FMGE exam, it's time to fine-tune your preparation strategy to focus on key areas that can significantly impact your performance. Dedicating this final stretch to targeted areas can boost your confidence and enhance your chances of success in the exam.

During this time, you must emphasize practising the Previous Year's Questions (PYQs), reviewing important images, and revisiting volatile topics. 


Solving PYQs is a crucial aspect of your exam preparation. These questions offer valuable insights into the exam pattern, question style, and the topics that are frequently tested. 

By dedicating specific study sessions to PYQs, you can familiarize yourself with the exam's structure, identify recurring themes, and gain confidence in tackling similar questions on the actual exam day. 

Make it a point to analyze the solutions thoroughly, understand the underlying concepts, and note any recurring topics to prioritize during revision.

Analyzing Images

The FMGE exam often includes questions based on images, such as radiographs, pathology slides, or clinical photographs. Allocating time to review and analyze such visuals is essential for developing a keen eye and honing your diagnostic skills. 

Focus on recognizing key features, interpreting findings, and understanding the relevance of each image in the context of the subject matter. 

Practising image analysis will enhance your ability to interpret visual information accurately and effectively, a valuable asset during the exam.

Revisiting Volatile Topics

Volatile topics, known for their unpredictability, can pose a challenge during the FMGE exam. Allocate dedicated study sessions to revise these subjects, focusing on high-yield concepts, commonly tested areas, recent updates and especially the topics that you keep forgetting. 

Most Important Pillars of FMGE Success: Consistency and Discipline

It’s important to remember that the above study schedule will only prepare you for the FMGE exam if you stay consistent and follow it with utmost discipline. The last 70 days before the FMG exam will require unwavering dedication, perseverance, and a structured approach.

You must remain consistent to ensure that you are making steady progress over time. It’s also important to be disciplined with your study routine. This means showing up every day, even when motivation wanes, or distractions arise. It means honouring your commitment to your goals and making studying a non-negotiable part of your daily life. 

Eventually, you will build momentum and reinforce your knowledge bit by bit. Additionally, you will be able to cover the entire syllabus comprehensively and have ample time for revision.

Similarly, sticking to your study plan with utmost discipline is crucial because it instils a sense of responsibility and accountability. It allows you to track your progress, identify areas that need improvement, and make necessary adjustments in your study strategy. It helps you manage your time effectively, allocating sufficient hours to different subjects and revision.

Remember, success in the FMGE is not solely determined by intelligence or talent. It is the result of consistent effort, focused discipline, and a growth mindset. Stay true to your study plan, hold yourself accountable, and embrace the daily grind. 

You can also watch this video by Dr Preeti Sharma and learn more details on how to approach FMG exam preparations.

Therefore, as you enter the last leg of your FMGE preparation, it's essential to maintain focus, discipline, and consistency. Remember, this plan is a blueprint, and you can customize it further based on your needs and study style.

Keep pushing forward, stay motivated, and believe in your capabilities as you approach the final sprint towards success in the FMGE exam.

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Auther Details

Kashika Walia

Kashika Walia is a Senior Content Writer at PrepLadder. She is devoted to give her readers easily digestible and high-value content that makes their journey towards their dream career incredibly easy.

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