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How to Overcome Exam Anxiety for FMGE

Oct 27, 2017

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Strategies to overcome anxiety :

Frame a study plan :

Be healthy :

Practice is the key :

Envisage success :

Speak out :

Stress while taking exam :

Strategies to overcome anxiety :

Frame a study plan :

Alone studying is not sufficient to avoid stress, well planned study is the key. One must balance the entire syllabus with the available time to make sure that none of the topic is left out. While planning primarily, make yourself aware of the important topics and the topics which you are weak in and give first position to such topic on your study plan so that you can prepare them when sufficient time is available. Retrospectively, keep preparing notes in your own words for future revision and reference in the form of flyers, mnemonics and sticky notes.Also Read : How to Make a Realistic Study Plan for FMGE 2018

Be healthy :

Eating healthy food, sleeping sufficiently, exercising and relaxing are few important things one must include in their daily schedule to avoid stress of any kind. Studying for a full stretch of 24 hours, not eating or sleeping, only increases stress and helps in no way to avoid anxiety.

Practice is the key :

As the saying goes “Practice makes man perfect”, it is the most important criteria once the entire syllabus has been covered, never keep your pen down, reschedule your time and revise and re-revise the syllabus over and over again. As you will revise, you can discover something new to be known or you will understand better how much you remember after studying once.Be positive :Exam stress is very common and frequent during examination, thus if you encounter any such thoughts like “I am going to fail” or ”I am useless” or “I can’t do this”, relax yourself by deep breathing exercises and keep yourself positive. Understand it’s the anxiety that makes you think pessimistically instead console yourself by saying ”I am capable enough to achieve my target, everything going to be okay”. Give yourself a break by watching a T.V, going for a walk or hearing your favorite song and then get back to studies with positive thought and energy.Also Read : Positive Attitude and Self Confidence Brings Success - FMGE

Envisage success :

If any of the relaxation technique does not work, imagine the examination hall where you know the answer of all the questions asked and desired marks on your marks card. This will help in the secretion of positive hormone which will bestow you with positive energy and new hope.

Speak out :

If the stress lingers on and hinders with your performance, then talk to someone who has already crossed the phase, like your elder sibling, parents, teacher, friend or a counselor. They will help you visualize the situation and align the things in accordance with the requirement.Also Read: Preparing for FMG Exam : Memory Hacks to Remember All 19 Subjects

Stress while taking exam :

Stress doesn’t leave as the preparation is done, it lingers on till the examination is over, to avoid stress while giving exam, you must go through the entire question paper beforehand, to make sure that all the question are there because if you realize the fact in between the examination, it will further make you anxious and more over you can get an idea as to how much time you need to complete the exam. Attempt all the questions, if you get stuck with any one question do not panic go ahead with another one and at the end reattempt the question. Once all the questions are over, recheck your answer and try to answer the unanswered questions to increase your score.To know how to revise effectively Click hereFor more motivating articles…Stay tuned with PrepLadder!!
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Shweta Taprial

Shweta has expertise in curating academic content and has assisted thousands of students in cracking various competitive exams and Owning their Dream.