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Fundamental Rights in the Indian Constitution- NCERT Notes UPSC

Mar 15, 2022

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Importance of Fundamental Rights

Bill of Rights

Fundamental Rights in the Indian Constitution

History of Fundamental Rights

Difference Between Fundamental Rights and Other Rights

Right to Equality

Right to Freedom

Right to Life and Personal Liberty

Preventive Detention

Other Freedoms

Rights of Accused

Right Against Exploitation

Right to Freedom of Religion

Freedom of Faith and Worship

Issues with Right to Freedom of Religion

Equality of All Religions

Cultural and Educational Rights

Right to Constitutional Remedies

The Courts can Issue Various Special Orders known as Writs

Directive Principles of State Policy

Directive Principles Includes

Some of the Directive Principles

Fundamental Duties of Citizens

Relationship Between Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles

Interesting Points

Indian Constitution
Auther Details

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