May 30, 2023
Somatic death or Clinical death
Molecular death or Cellular death
Bichat’s mode of death
Atria mortis or Gateway of death
Suspended Animation or Apparent death.
Early Signs:
Cooling of the body or Algor mortis
Post-Mortem Staining
Rigor Mortis or Cadaveric stiffening or Cadaveric Rigidity
Differences between cadaveric spasm and rigor mortis
Late changes
The study of death and dying from a variety of reasons including medical, physical, psychological, spiritual, ethical, and more, is known as Thanatology.
Death comes under section 46 of the Indian Penal Code(IPC).
Taphonomy is the study of post-mortem changes.
As we are studying thanatology, it becomes important for us to study the Components of Bishop's tripod of life. It includes the Heart(circulation), lung (respiration), and Brain function.
Thanatology is used by experts from a wide range of professions, from doctors and coroners to hospice workers and grief counselors, to inform their work. Additionally, there are Thanatology experts who concentrate on a particular component of the dying process or work directly with those who are confronting their own death or the death of a loved one.
In this there is complete and irreversible stoppage of any of Bishop’s tripod of life components which includes
Or there is a loss of any one function and it leads to death or the Doctor declares the individual dead
It Occurs within 1-2 hours after somatic death
It Depends on the dysfunction i.e., may be respiratory, circulatory, or brain function.
Asphyxia, syncope, and coma are examples of Bichat’s mode of death.
Stopping of only one component of Bichat’s tripod of life (respiration, circulation, or brain function) results in death. It is an example of somatic death.
In this, signs of life are reduced to a minimal level and resuscitation leads to survival. The causes of suspended animation can be Prolonged anesthesia, Newborn (most common), barbiturate poisoning, Cholera, Cachexia, Concussion, Drowning, Electrocution, Hypothermia, Hyperthermia, Sunstroke, Shock, Insanity, Trance (voluntarily suspended animation seen in yoga practitioners), Typhoid (enteric fever) and Morphine overdose. Causes of suspended animation are:
Signs of death may be immediate, early, or late.
Early signs include:
Immediate signs include
Late signs include:
The Retinal blood vessels appear segmented or fragmented. It is seen within a few minutes to one hour after death. It can be seen using an ophthalmoscope. It is the earliest eye sign and it is used to determine time since death (TSD). Before the Kervokian sign, corneal reflexes are lost, and the pupil is dilated.
The "Kevorkian sign is the fragmentation or trucking of blood vessels and it is a crucial ophthalmoscopic finding. Within a few minutes of death, the Kevorkian sign appears and lasts for around an hour.
Kevorkian sign
Normal intraocular pressure is 20 mmHg. Two hours after death, it drops to 0 mmHg. It is also used to determine the time since death.
After death, if the eyelids are open and dust is present in the atmosphere, it will get deposited in sclera resulting in formation of 2 brownish triangular shaped opacities on either side of the cornea which is known as Tache Noire Sclerotique. It occurs after 3-6 hours of post-mortem and is used to determine time since death.
Normally, the cornea is transparent, but after 1 hour of death, it becomes hazy. Conversely, opacity occurs after 6 hours.
It is the most important medium in the eye which resists putrefaction. There are no chemical changes in vitreous humor after putrefaction.It is the best medium for estimating time since death, as it is enclosed within the eyeball so bacteria cannot have access to it easily.
So, even in an advanced decomposed body, this medium is very helpful. Best parameter is vitreous potassium levels. There is Linear increase in K+ and hypoxanthine. It has linear correlation with time since death. Two formulas used for finding time since death are Sturner's Formula and Madea's Formula.
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It is seen within 15 minutes after death. In this the body core temperature (BCT) decreases. Thanatometer is a chemical thermometer used to measure BCT in post-mortem. It may be 25-30 cm. It can measure temperatures between 0-50°C. Ideal site for recording temperature is the rectum (rectal temperature is almost equal to BCT).
Other sites include the inferior surface of the liver, external auditory meatus, nasal spaces, and the lower end of the esophagus. Graph illustrating the relationship between temperature and time post-mortem produces a sigmoid curve or inverted S-shape curve.
Algor mortis Occurs in 3 phases
The rate of temperature fall is 0.4°C —0.7°C / hr. In summer, it is 0.4° C / hr, and in winter, it is 0.7° C / hr. The average fall of temperature is 0.5 C/hr. Knowing the rate of fall, we can calculate the time since death.
Normally, the body becomes cold within 15 minutes after death [Algor mortis]· But if the body remains warm for 1-2 hours even after death, it is known as Post-mortem caloricity. Whenever there is an increased body core temperature at the time of death, post-mortem caloricity is seen.
Increased body core temperature at death is seen in conditions with increased Muscle contraction that is Tetanus, Strychnos Nux vomica poisoning exercises etc. Defective thermoregulation in the body is associated with Heat stroke, Pontine hemorrhage [have pyrexia, paralysis, pinpoint pupils] and Septicemia.
It is Also known as post-mortem lividity, hypostasis, livor mortis, vibices, or suggillation. This stain is Present in dependent parts of the body i.e., areas that do not touch the ground but face towards the ground.
Gravitational forces cause blood to pool in capillaries and venules, accumulating deoxyhemoglobin blood in the skin, and causing a bluish-purple appearance. There is also Skin discoloration of the rete mucosum of the dermis.
This stain is absent in pressure parts of the body. It begins shortly after death, that is after 30 minutes. And it is visible for 2 hours after death. Maximum visibility is for 6-12 hours and fixation occurs after 7-8 hours.
Secondary lividity occurs when changing the position of the body before 7-8 hours, leading to post-mortem staining in other areas of the body, it persists till decomposition. Decomposition changes the skin color to green.
Post-mortem staining in different positions
Medical importance
It helps to determine the time since death, the position of the body at the time of death, and the cause of death (COD).
It is also known as cadaveric rigidity / Cadaveric stiffening . It gives muscle status after the death of a person. The decrease in ATP causes stiffening of the muscle. Rigor mortis is generalized, that is it is seen in both voluntary & involuntary muscles but it is first seen in involuntary muscles.
3 stages muscles undergo after death include:
Primary flaccidity occurs during somatic death. Rigor mortis occurs during cellular death. The mechanism of rigor mortis is ATP depletion. Actin-myosin separation takes place in primary flaccidity. Lack of actin-myosin separation causes rigor mortis.
Secondary flaccidity occurs when decomposition starts in this Actin and myosin filaments are broken down, leading to separation. When rigor mortis starts, ATP decreases to 85% of the normal content. At maximum rigor mortis, ATP decreases to 15-30% of the normal content.
It begins 1-2 hours after death. It is seen in all muscles whether voluntary or involuntary. 1st muscle affected is the myocardium. 1st external muscle affected is the upper eyelid muscle i.e., orbicularis oculi.Sequence in which external muscles are affected:
Eyelid muscles → Neck → Lower jaw → Muscles of face → Muscles of chest → Upper limbs → Abdomen → Lower limbs → Fingers and toes
Rigor mortis disappears in the same order that it appears. It will disappear first from the upper eyelid and last from the fingers and toes.
As we discuss thanatology, it becomes very important to mention the Rule of 12 in forensic medicine.
Rigor mortis is absent in fetuses less than 7 months of age because the Actin and myosin filaments have not developed. Rigor mortis' appearance varies according to the season. In summer, it is seen in 18-36 hours, whereas in winter, it is seen after 24-48 hours.
This causes muscle mass to be thin with decreased ATP storage. It is seen in Diseases such as cholera, TB, cancer, cachexia, and typhoid. There is also an Early onset of rigor mortis with a short duration.
In Cases such as cutthroat injury or firearm injury. It has Early onset rigor mortis with short duration. It is important to remember two exceptions here:
In Strychnine poisoning, there is an Early-onset rigor mortis with long duration.
In Arsenic poisoning, we will have Late onset rigor mortis with long duration.
There is Increased ATP storage and it has Late onset of rigor mortis.
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Heat stiffening is also known as the boxing attitude, pugilistic attitude, or fencing attitude. It occurs when the Surrounding external temperature is ≥ 65°C. The mechanism involves the coagulation of muscle protein. Normal rigor mortis is not seen. Heat stiffening persists until decomposition occurs.
Cold stiffening occurs when the surrounding external temperature is ≤ -5°C. The mechanism involves freezing of the body fluid and hardening of the subcutaneous tissue. In warm temperatures, cold stiffening disappears. In this, Normal rigor is present.
Gas stiffening is seen with decomposition. During decomposition, excess gas is produced. These gases accumulate in the body, resulting in stiffness.
It is also known as cataleptic rigidity or instantaneous rigor. The mechanism involves ATP depletion. Muscles remain contracted for a lifetime and remain rigid and stiff after death. It occurs immediately after death. Primary relaxation is absent, whereas Secondary relaxation is present. It is an exclusively ante-mortem event.
Causes of cadaveric spasm:
Cadaveric spasm Rigor mortis Time Immediately after death. 1-2 hours after death. Muscles Mainly involves voluntary muscles.
Generally, it involves a short group of muscles e.g. hand muscles.Involves both voluntary and involuntary muscles. Primary relaxation Absent. Present. Molecular death Absent. Present. Electronic stimuli Response present. Response absent. Importance Describes the manner of death. Determines TSD.
In these changes the body gets decomposed. Decomposition occurs by Two mechanisms: autolysis and putrefaction.
It is a process in which Body enzymes cause cell lysis. Examples of autolytic changes:
Aseptic autolysis involves the mummification of the fetus in intrauterine death.
It is Stimulated by bacterial activity. The most common bacteria involved are Clostridium welchii or Clostridium perfringens. The most common enzyme involved is lytic lecithinase.
Putrefaction occurs in Three stages of change:
Putrefaction occurs in Three stages of change:
1st internal/overall change of putrefaction is reddish-brown discoloration of aortic intima.
1st external change is green discoloration of the right iliac fossa.
In summer, discoloration starts in 12-18 hours whereas, in winter, discoloration starts in 1-2 days.
Marbling is the Discoloration of prominent superficial veins to green-brown color, which Corresponds to the vascular channel. It Starts in 24 hours and is prominent in 36-48 hours. It helps in determining Time since death (TSD). It is Seen in the chest, shoulder, abdomen, and thigh.
It takes 5-10 days. Loosening of hair/ nails occurs in 3-5 days, and skin around the hands & legs peel off i.e. Degloving/Destocking pattern is seen in 5-10 days
The body emits light after death. Causes of post mortem luminescence are:
Fungal, e.g., Armillaria, Ram’s bottom.
It is about rate of putrefaction in different medium · Rate of putrefaction is compared b/w 3 imp medium. This Formula was proposed by Taylor. It Shows the relationship between the rate of decomposition in air, water and soil (earth).
If decomposition in the air takes 1 week, it will take 2 weeks in water and 8 weeks in soil. Air has the fastest rate of decomposition.
Adipocere or saponification or grave wax: The Fat in the body gets converted into fatty acids and combines with Calcium in the body & forms insoluble wax-like substances i.e (SOAP) adipocere.
Appearance of adipocere :
Fresh adipocere looks greasy, like rancid butter. Old adipocere looks dry, hard, yellow, and brittle. The time required for adipocere formation is 3 days to 3 months and it is Absent in fetuses of less than 7 months.
It helps to Describe the climate at time of death and Determination of Time since death and helps in Preservation of the dead body for easy identification.
It has no specific smell/odor. It takes 3 months – 12 months to occur. Mummification is also seen in the intrauterine death of the fetus when there are intact membranes & deficient blood supply · Arsenic & Antimony favor mummification. It is an important feature of intrauterine death.
The Medical importance of mummification is that other than Describing the climate at the time of death and the time since death TSD, mummification helps us to Identify the body comparatively very easily.
Embalming or Tanatopraxia is the Artificial method of preserving the body by injecting antiseptics & preservatives.Ideal Time for embalming is less than 6 hrs after death (Very effective).
The preservatives of embalming fluid are formalin, formaldehyde, and methanol. The germicide in the embalming fluid phenol and the anticoagulant used is sodium citrate.
Ethanol is not a part of embalming fluid.
Ante-mortem Post-mortem Content Inflammation.
Protein (mainly, albumin).Gas. Base Erythematous. Pale. Redness Present. Absent. Enzymatic/Vital reaction Present. Absent.
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Thanatology is the scientific study of death, including the processes and phenomena associated with dying and the post-mortem changes that occur.
Thanatology typically recognizes several types of death, including clinical death, biological death, and legal death.
Clinical death occurs when a person's heartbeat and breathing stop, but there may still be potential for resuscitation with immediate medical intervention.
Biological death happens when the body's cells and organs irreversibly cease functioning, and resuscitation is no longer possible.
Legal death is defined by legal standards, often involving the irreversible cessation of all brain activity and the cessation of heartbeat and respiration.
Post-mortem changes refer to the physical and biological transformations that occur in the body after death, including rigor mortis, livor mortis, and algor mortis.
Rigor mortis is the stiffening of the body’s muscles that begins a few hours after death and gradually dissipates over time.
Rigor mortis is caused by the depletion of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) in muscle cells, leading to muscle contraction and rigidity.
Livor mortis, or post-mortem hypostasis, is the settling of blood in the lower parts of the body due to gravity, causing discoloration of the skin.
Livor mortis can help estimate the time of death by analyzing the pattern and extent of blood pooling and the color changes in the skin.
Algor mortis is the cooling of the body after death, which occurs as the body loses heat to the surrounding environment.
The rate of body cooling, influenced by factors such as environment and body size, can be used alongside other signs to estimate the time of death.
Autolysis is the self-digestion or breakdown of cells and tissues by their own enzymes after death.
Decomposition is the process by which the body breaks down into simpler substances through bacterial and enzymatic action, leading to the ultimate disintegration of tissues.
The stages of decomposition include fresh, bloat, active decay, advanced decay, and dry/remains, each characterized by specific physical changes.
Factors such as temperature, humidity, and exposure to the elements can significantly impact the rate and extent of decomposition.
Mummification is the preservation of the body through natural or artificial means, often involving drying and reducing the body's moisture content.
Embalming is the process of preserving a body using chemicals to delay decomposition and maintain the appearance of the body for viewing or funeral services.
PMI estimation involves assessing various post-mortem changes and using forensic techniques to estimate the time elapsed since death.
Forensic thanatology is the application of thanatological principles to legal investigations, including determining time of death and cause of death in criminal cases.
Pathologists determine the cause of death by examining medical history, performing autopsies, and analyzing physical and pathological findings in the body.
Challenges include variability in decomposition rates, environmental influences, and the need for accurate interpretation of forensic evidence.
Thanatology provides insights into the biological, psychological, and social aspects of death, helping improve practices in medicine, forensics, and grief counseling.
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